The Bog  — RSS

Welcome to my “web log”, or “bog” for short, where I write my silly little posts. There is an Atom feed to follow it.

It also includes my reviews from my Letterboxd, Serializd, Backloggd and Goodreads accounts and posts from my Fediverse account.

If you don’t want to see all of that there’s a version that doesn’t include all that here and a separate Atom feed for it here.

A door blows open in your mind when you learn about the suffix -le, it explains so much. People used to add it to verbs to mean ‘more than once’ or continuously—so originally, to ramble is to ‘roam’ on, to jostle is to joust repeatedly, and to sparkle is to emit lots of sparks.

Wiktionary: -le — A frequentative suffix of verbs, indicating repetition or continuousness. E.g. crack to crackle or daze to dazzle.


I have posted before about using FFmpeg to restore The Big O’s original intro and also my Jellyfin server. I am going to talk about the former again but first some more detail on the latter.

My Jellyfin server is actually just my desktop, which acts as server for everything on my home network. It has a 12TiB hard drive for storage which is divided up into a few partitions, one of which is my “library” partition of important files I want to keep, and which I make regular backups of, and one of which is my “media” partition that holds the files for my Jellyfin server. The media partition was running out of space (I may go a bit extreme with the bluray rips) and the library had several times more free space than used, so I decided to try to resize them and grow the media partition into some of the library partition’s empty space.

I just used KDE’s built-in partition manager for this, which successfully shrank the library partition but for some reason failed when trying to grow and move the media partition. I don’t know why this happened and am just hoping there’s no hardware problems. Nothing from the library partition was lost (and it was all backed up anyway) but the media partition was gone and so I’ve had to rebuild my Jellyfin library. This is not a huge deal it’s just been a little time-consuming but one of the things that was lost was, of course, my edited Big O episodes, which meant that I had to redo splicing the original intro in. But I had a fresh head again, free of the frustrations accumulated while trying to do this the first time, and I decided to do it better and actually get to grips with FFmpeg’s filter syntax. Here are the commands I ended up with:

mkdir -p tmp
mkdir -p out
for v in The\ Big\ O*.mkv
	set b (basename "$v" ".mkv")
	ffmpeg -i intro.webm -ss 00:01:12.02 -i "$v" -filter_complex "[0:v] scale=1424:1080,setsar=1:1 [intro]; [intro][0:a][0:a][1:v][1:a:0][1:a:1] concat=n=2:v=1:a=2 [outv][outa];" -shortest -map "[outv]" -map "[outa]" -metadata:s:a:0 language=eng -metadata:s:a:1 language=jpn "tmp/$v"

	set subs "$b.ass"
	ffmpeg -itsoffset -4.42 -i "$v" "tmp/$subs"
	ffmpeg -i "tmp/$v" -i "tmp/$subs" -shortest -map 0 -map 1 -c copy -metadata:s:s:0 language=eng "out/$v"

Let’s break down what’s happening here. First I create two directories, tmp and out. tmp is where temporary working files are going to be written to and out is for the final files when we’re finished processing.

Then loop over each episode matroška file with the file name for each one assigned to $v inside the loop. The file name without the file extension is set to the variable $b. I’m using a Fish shell here rather than Bash so the syntax is a little different to Bash.

Then the big command. We pass in the first input, intro.webm, which is the intro that I downloaded off of Youtube. Our second input is the episode, with the seek parameter -ss telling FFmpeg to skip to one and twelve point zero two seconds in when reading it. This is, unintuitively, set before you specify the input it applies to, not after.

Then the big -filter_complex. This takes a big string that takes filter definitions separated by semicolons. Each filter has input and output streams identified by labels in square brackets.

The first filter is [0:v] scale=1424:1080,setsar=1:1 [intro]. Its input is [0:v], the video stream from the first input1, i.e., intro.webm. It then resizes it to a resolution of 1,424×1080 pixels and sample aspect ratio of 1:1 and outputs it to a new stream labelled [intro]. The [intro] stream now has the same resolution as our episodes which will allow us to concatenate them in the next filter.

The second filter is [intro][0:a][0:a][1:v][1:a:0][1:a:1] concat=n=2:v=1:a=2 [outv][outa]. Let’s start in the middle here. concat=n=2:v=1:a=2 means that we are going to concatenate two segments (n=2) which each have one video stream (v=1) and two audio streams (a=2). Those two audio streams are going to be the English and Japanese dubs.

The inputs for this filter are [intro][0:a][0:a][1:v][1:a:0][1:a:1], which can be divided into our two segments—[intro][0:a][0:a] and [1:v][1:a:0][1:a:1]—which each have one video and two audio streams specified. The first segment has our resized intro video stream, [intro], and [a:0] is the audio from our first input (the intro again) specified twice because we are going to combine the same intro audio with both the English and Japanese episode audio. The second segment has the video and two audio streams from our second input file; the episode itself and its English and Japanese audio tracks.

The concatenation then has two output streams, [outv][outa], the video and audio.

Then the rest of the command: -shortest makes sure that the output of the command is equal to the shortest stream in the output, i.e. if your output has five minutes of video but only two minutes of audio then the output will be two minutes long rather than five minutes of video with three minutes of silence. I think that shouldn’t really be needed here but I was using it while testing and forgot to remove it and thought it would be dishonest to take it out for the post when it was what I actually ran.

-map "[outv]" -map "[outa]" defines what streams to include in the output, which here is simply the output streams of our concatination.

-metadata:s:a:0 language=eng -metadata:s:a:1 language=jpn labels the audio output streams as being English and Japanese, respectively, so that media players can display that information.

And then the last part of the command is ouputting the video to the tmp folder.

This gives us output files with the original intro with both dub tracks preserved, which is more than I had last time and with a lot less processing. But if I am going to include the Japanese audio I probably also want subtitles for that and unfortunately the -ss parameter does not seem to correctly offset the subtitles. If I want subtitles with correct timing I will have to fix them with another command.

First set a variable, $subs to the file name we want for the subtitles in the Advanced SubStation format.

Then read the original episode file into FFmpeg again with a negative offset of 4.42 seconds (-itsoffset -4.42) and write the subtitle data to a file in the tmp folder.

The last command is taking in out output video and the subtitle file and recombining them, using another metadata command to label the subtitle track as English, setting the codec mode (-c) to copy so that the audio and video do not get re-encoded and writing the finished file to the out folder.

I didn’t bother fixing the chapters this time.

  1. FFmpeg indexes from 0, so [0:v] refers to the video stream from the first input, [1:a:0] refers to the first audio stream from the second input, etc. 

when i go in a room and forget what i needed i become a point and click protagonist. [water bottle?] that’s not helpful right now. [socks?] i don’t know what to do with that. [charger?] that’s not helpful right now. [scissors?] i can’t do anything with that. [water bottle?] that’s not helpful right now. [lone paperclip?] that’s not helpful right now. [water bottle?]

Film poster.

If there is a utterly dogshit movie in the movie night poll it is what everyone will vote for. Everyone knows that this film is bad but it is something to behold how completely the personality of Dragon Ball is ripped out of this movie to replace with a deluge of Hollywood clichés.

Book cover.

I have never been fat enough to warrant comment from anyone outside of doctors and family but I do struggle a lot with self-image around my weight. I don’t have the same experiences as the author but the stories she relates throughout this book are nothing short of appalling. The casual disregard people can have for the humanity or autonomy of fat people is shocking and the books demands to be heard and treated as a person are important.

I do think it’s not a fantastic book, though. It’s fairly repetitive and could do with more structure to it and I would have appreciated diving into a bit more detail of the studies citied throughout the book, but this is not an academic literature review and to its credit it does provide citations to go look yourself. That I have not done so is perhaps hypocritical of me but I do not have the spoons for that right now.

I think that the author does have blind spots and makes some sometimes galling statements around her perception of how the world treats other people. One that stuck in my mind was a comment about how common refrains about queer people preying on children being a thing of the past. In 2020 it should have been clear to anyone just reading news headlines that this was wishful thinking.

The books is also very American, frequently referencing the particulars and policies as U.S. institutions and companies as well as popular culture. That’s not really a mark against it, the author is American and she is writing about her own life (and I at least am passingly familiar with these things through American culture hegemony), but it did make me feel that much more separated from the perspective of the book.

For a while whenever I saw anything about Severance or Succession I didn’t pay much attention to the names and thought that they were the same show, which started to sound increasingly strange and convoluted.

I was going through movies by year on Letterboxd for years I have not seen any films for and I spotted They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? for 1969, which I believe my dad once said was the only film he’d ever walked out of the cinema for because he was so bored so obviously I am going to watch it.

Film poster.

I watched this because I had seen a clip of the Street Fighter scene and I had no idea how long it was going to take for that to actually arrive. A lot of the silliness is quite fun but I think its attempts to translate cartoon physical gags into live action fall flat most of the time and it has a lot of humour based around the protagonist just being a lech, which I always hate.

This review contains spoilers.Film poster.

I decided to watch this after seeing some clips of Cynthia Khan looking incredible while kicking people’s arses and this movie absolutely delivers on getting to see more of Cynthia Khan looking incredible while kicking people’s arses and with such frequency and frenetic forward momentum that it is kind of tiring to watch. Often quite funny as well and I always appreciate the United States government being the bad guy in a movie.

Film poster.

Every scene and subplot feels very disconnected from each other, each location and set of costumes feel like it came from a different production from the one before, and most of them not really coming across as fully formed. It would have taken a much larger budget to make it properly work but it also would be a lot less charming and the end result is just so much fun.

Some of that is just in the script, though. There is a pretty simple main plot and a lot of the runtime is spent throwing extra obstacles at Johnny that were not part of the original short story, which don’t tend to overlap with each other much. In the climax every antagonist lines to be neatly dealt with one by one.

I watched a fan edit which like many such edits cuts in a lot of deleted scenes and extra footage from other versions of the movie at much worse quality that mostly fail to add much of anything other than padding the runtime but does include Ice-T making sure we know that the dolphin is addicted to heroin and also has the least-transphobic joke of any Hollywood movie from 1995 and it’s very important to me to keep those bits in.

Also shoutout to my friend Tigris, who on seeing Takeshi credited in the opening titles joked that Takeshi from Takeshi’s Castle was in the movie, not knowing who Beat Takeshi was and not realising that she was actually correct.

Film poster.

Much is said about the choice of elaborate, comic book-inspired transitions but what made me scream at my television was the soundtrack blaring Middle Eastern-themed music every single time we get a shot of the Utah desert.


I want to be grumpy about something that is fairly harmless. I have been watching Dirty Pair occasionally for the last while and I was thinking Yuri and Kei and their relationship and other relationships in the show versus how my expectations had been shaped by seeing people talking about it beforehand.

I have known or followed people online for years who are fans of or talk about this show a bit and I have seen a lot of casual references to them being girlfriends or just casually referring to them as gay. I wasn’t really expecting them to actually be lesbians when I watched it but I was expecting to see some glimpse of what other people were referring to. Spock and Kirk don’t kiss in Star Trek but it’s easy to see how their chemistry lead to the invention of slash fiction. Kei and Yuri obviously don’t really hate each other—the show is doing classic tropes of bickering partners who care about each other in the end—but they are probably more lines where one calls the other too fat to be able to catch the eye of whichever man they are crushing on this episode than there is anything that feels like it could be romantic tension between them. The trans episode was nice but this show is aggressively heterosexual at all times.

Headcanons and reinterpretations are fun but I feel like at some point jokingly calling characters queer turns into giving credit where it is not due. I have seen so many posts about reading gay relationships into, say, Metal Gear or imagining how Hideo Kojima would write something in a queer way and I feel like people started making knowing jokes about this and over time convinced themselves that his writing is sincerely exploring queer themes and not just that the female characters he writes are very shallow and are constantly killed off for male angst and so the only relationships with any depth in his stories are between men. Maybe I am just being uncharitable to people or reading the room poorly, or being a needless grouchy bitch, but I feel like it eventually turns into crediting source material for the accomplishments of fan artists.


I have done some tweaks to fonts on the site. In particular I optimised the fonts I use for headings on the homepage using the pyftsubset command in Font Tools to consist only of the characters needed to display the text used on the site and no more. This should reduce the download footprint of the site a bit.

I don’t remember who I saw link to pyftsubset originally so can’t give credit for where I saw it, unfortunately.

There was a man in Tesco having trouble with the self-checkout and I heard one of the staff explain that the newspaper is heavier on Saturday and the system to weigh the items you put through the scanner doesn’t take it into account and thinks you’ve put something wrong in.

Show poster.

The first series of this show felt so deliberately constructed, with a specific tension hanging over the whole thing with occasional bursts of extreme violence with specific purpose. It no longer seems like it knows what its doing, throwing mark between suddenly contrived moral choices while casually painting everything red with guts at every turn. It seemed like it has some point to say about superhero stories before and now it is just throwing in random teasing of future threats and multiverse doppleganger shite that feels just like Marvel movies with more gore where everything ends up coming down to who can punch biggest or do a fancy laser blast. It’s very glaring with Eve, whose abilities are almost limitless in what she can do but all the show can conceive of her doing is being Green Lantern but pink and making big hammers out of… light? What material is she even making this stuff out of? Her power is meant to be rearranging matter. Why is everything she does just energy blasts or force fields? Light it not made of atoms.

This review contains spoilers.

Show poster.

I think this is not necessarily great but I do love that the show about the possessed evil doll has its third series declaring that the White House is so soaked in blood that the only way forward for it is to be burnt to the ground and when the mythical good non-partisan independent president gets killed the C.I.A. is positively gleeful about stage managing getting someone more amenable to them back into the office.

Show poster.

I was not really expecting the overarching plotlines to go anywhere, this show has a habit of forgetting anything ongoing at the drop of a hat, but that went even less anywhere than I ever could have expected. It felt like it was spinning its wheels for a while and didn’t know what to really do with anything and it certainly proved that feeling correct. It’s still fun up until the end with Michael Emerson continuing to be a highlight throughout.

I tried changing my default browser colours to a dark background and light text but it turns out that a lot of websites explicitly set a white background without specifying a text colour, which is annoying.

The New York Times mini crossword splash screens showing light yellow text on a white background.


This roundup is going to link to and quote articles dealing with sex, kinks, sexual assault and also fascism at the end.

First, second, third and fourth volumes.

Taking a page from Mike I am going to include a suggested piece of music to listen to while you read this; the first track from my Cohost song of the day playlist, the title theme from Robocop for the Game Boy:

I’ve divided this into two sections, the first for people who I haven’t linked to as part of these roundups before and the second for people who I have.

New challengers

Hermit Crab Intimacy (On Visitors) — Rabbit

Home, intimacy and vulnerability.

When I live somewhere, I feel like my life saturates it and sinks into the walls, like cigarette smoke. Every strong emotion I feel creates an energy that overtakes the room for a while; if I had a big hard talk with my partner in the old living room, I knew it was over when we moving upstairs to relax in bed, and the feeling would be left behind. And over time, the kitchen isn’t just the place where I cook, it’s where I care for my loved ones; the bedroom isn’t just the place where I sleep, but where I connect with my partner and feel safe at night. The house is not just a house. It is a home, a being, a body that I have a relationship with that requires love and care and patience. Cleaning my house feels like also shoveling out all of that psychic debris. It is an act of care for the place, and an act of care for myself. I have always been part of a house; my home has always been part of me.

design thoughts: let things be rare — Joe Wintergreen

Some game design thoughts.

Some things are cool because they’re rare, and that’s the whole reason. You can implement a cool feature, say “wow, that’s cool, we should make that happen more”, and just like that, it’s not cool. It’s no longer a story players tell each other. The first time you play Splinter Cell Conviction, and you’re hanging off the side of a building waiting to pull another guy out a window, and a particularly savvy guard actually leans out a window and checks the side of the building – that’s amazing! What a smart, weird thing to do! But then they do it again, always. It’s not reactive or rare, like you thought, so it’s no longer cool. You won’t be saving that clip.

I Love Niche Problems — Rosa

I am not a Formula One girlie but Rosa’s passion for saving and sharing the history of it is inspiring.

Long story short, I’ve been building up a rather popular niche in the high seas community. My archive of F1 media is solid, comparable to plenty of other buffs around the world, but I’ve made a commitment to sharing it as widely as possible, for as long as possible.

The Digital Packrat Manifesto — Janus Rose for 404 Media

Relatedly, a celebration of media hoarding. Anything on any streaming service, on a website, can be taken away without notice. What’s yours is yours, and also organising a Jellyfin server is very satisfying.

Sure, there are websites where you can find some of this material, like the Internet Archive. But this archive is mine. It’s my own little Library of Alexandria, built from external hard drives, OCD, and a strong distrust of corporations. I know I’m not the only one who has gone to these lengths. Sometimes when I’m feeling gloomy, I imagine how when society falls apart, we packrats will be the only ones in our village with all six seasons of The Sopranos. At the rate we’re going, that might not be too far off.

Johnson. A Plane Man — Hyphinett

A little downpour game made from a Ryanair Boeing 737 safety manual :)

Returning champions

A Hackable, Custom, Magic Wand (Plus) Board — Kore

Kore’s third post about hacking a Hitachi wand, as previously seen in the first and fourth roundup.

So: the Hitachi Magic Wand is a very good device. It, however, has very little granularity in how strong it is. Even the newer Magic Wand Plus only has four, non-customizable settings.

I don’t like this and want to fix it. In the process, I’ll also be adding bluetooth connectivity, because I thought that was pretty funny.

The Cuddled Little Vice — Elizabeth Sandifer

I have previously linked to Sandifer’s writing on Doctor Who and inane September the 11th memorial comics but another one of her long-term projects is The Last War in Albion, a sprawling series of essays which she describes as “a history of British comics. More specifically, it is a history of the magical war between Grant Morrison and Alan Moore”. After a long hiatus she is back with a book-length article on Neil Gaiman. This is obviously written in light of the sexual assaults that have come to light, but is neither a polemic nor trying to turn his works into some sort of gotcha against him or his fans. It is a clear-eyed and fair assessment of the merits and flaws of his work woven with the story of the man himself and of his craft, his cynicism and his actions.

When one talks about Sandman being foundational to millions of people, one is talking not exclusively but substantially about teenage girls of the 90s and 00s who were into goth subculture. And a fundamental part of its appeal is that its best character—the one who gets all the good lines and who the reader is all but forced to love—looks like them. In contrast to Cinnamon Hadley, who was a bold fashion and makeup experimentalist, at the end of the day dressing up like Death required little more than a black tank top, black jeans, some boots, a cheap piece of jewelry, and a bit of practice with an eyeliner pen. It is difficult to think of another iconic character in comics that was routinely first encountered by people who were already cosplaying her. It’s no surprise that many of those young goth girls passionately identified with her, nor that they became adoringly loyal fans of her creator—fans that he would spend the rest of his career both catering to and preying upon.

The Strange Armor of Dragon Age: The Veilguard — Bret C. Devereaux

Last time I linked to two of Devereaux’s pieces and am doing so again. Following on from his piece about sci-fi body armour we have this analysis of the armour of Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

And that actually makes a fair bit of sense: if you expect to be fighting in close combat, you hardly want anything on your person adding encumbrance or weighing you down or providing an extra easy hand-hold for someone to grab and pull at. And more to the point, your ancient or medieval soldier doesn’t need them because he has nothing to put in a bag or pouch that he needs to grab in combat. His primary weapon and shields, after all, are carried in his hands, his armor is worn on his person, his backup weapon is in a scabbard at his waist…and that’s it. Archers might carry arrows in a quiver, of course and slingers stones in a small bag, but that’s just one small container of clear and distinct purpose, generally at the waist. This is just a design feature one does not find in the kind of technological environment posited in these games.

Coinage and the Tyranny of Fantasy ‘Gold’ — Bret C. Devereaux

And the second on the logic of “gold” as a generic currency in fantasy settings compared to historical reality of money and coinage.

But part of the reason these coinage systems work they way they do is that they operated in societies in which a lot of economic activity was non-monetary or at least, non-coinage. And here, we should go back to our ‘money’ vs. ‘currency’ or ‘coinage:’ remember, money came first. So let’s say you live in a small community – like a peasant village working beneath a large landholder’s manor – and you need to transact some things, but you don’t have any actual silver because coins are scarce and valuable (and being a subsistence farmer, you grow most of what you need yourself), how do you do it? Well, one way is to do it ‘on accounts’ – you need wool and so when the shepherds come down from the hills, you trade for some of their wool during the shearing with a family you know and both you and they make a mental note that you owe them for the wool. You might express that amount of debt in silver (as a unit weight – see how we get to coinage as a pre-measured weight of silver?) but there’s no reason to measure out silver (even if you had any) because you see these folks every year and next time they’ll ask you for some grain and so on.

Note that this is not the same as the concept of ‘barter’ – there is, in fact, a notional ‘money’ intermediary, it’s just not a physical coin or bill, its expressed as an account, a purely notional unit of value.

The Quietly Coercive Nature of “Vanilla” Sex — Devon Price

Following on from linking to a bunch of his writing this piece from Devon Price that made me reconsider my relationship to sex a bit and do some self-reflection pushed me to start moving forward with trying to get bottom surgery, something I had previously considered but put off.

I think one of the biggest problems in how people conceive of diverse sexualities is by attempting to place all sex acts upon a single hierarchy from “extremely kinky” to “tame.” Under this framework, activities like PIV and oral are viewed as neutral precursors to the racier and more extreme forms of sex that a person must “work themselves up” to – and this obscures that those supposedly neutral sexual activities can be both incredibly exciting & fulfilling to some, and downright disturbing or traumatizing to others.


According to the Vanilla-to-Kinky Staircase Model, boundaries can only be drawn hierarchically: you can only say no thanks forever to sexual acts that are more “extreme” and higher up on the staircase than the ones you’ve already engaged in. This means that kinky people often feel coerced into sexual acts that do absolutely nothing for them, and non-kinky people are expected to like anything and everything that their social group considers to be ‘standard’ sex.

AI and Esoteric Fascism — Baldur Bjarnason

Last time I linked to an economics-based analysis of the popularity of software development frameworks. This time fascism, yay 💖

These “bonkers” ideologies are integral to the fascist project as a rationale for atrocities and destruction. They are a belief system that promises a bright future to the selected people and provides them with a systemic rationale for letting mass death happen as “AI” will replace the workers.


I have an updated version of these commands in a new bog post.

I have been rewatching The Big O with my partner from bluray rips and as nice as it is to watch it in so much higher quality than when I saw it as a kid but the bluray release lacks the original iconic intro, which is presumably related to the fact that it’s basically Flash by Queen over the visuals of the intro for Ultraseven.

I know enough FFmpeg to be a danger to myself so I decided to spend far too much time banging my head against my keyboard until I managed to splice the original intro into all the episodes. There was a good bit of trial and error and fixing things and adjusting commands but I decided to document a cleaned up version of the steps mostly as a reference material for myself if I decide to do something like this in the future but if it helps anyone else then that’s cool.

What I have below is definitely not the best way to do this. I ended up reprocessing the same videos multiple times which is inherently going to result in a loss in quality and I lost information like subtitles and the Japanese audio track by converting from Matroška files to plain MPEG-4s but I wasn’t using those anyway.

1. Prepare the intro

I used yt-dlp to download the intro from Youtube as it wasn’t included in the bluray files and then blew it up to the same resolution as the bluray rips, 1424×1080.

yt-dlp ''
ffmpeg -i The\ Big\ O\ Opening⧸Intro\ Theme\ \[720p\]\ \[s7_Od9CmTu0\].webm -vf "scale=1424:1080,setsar=1:1" intro.mp4

2. Preparing files

I copied all the episodes that had the intro I wanted to replace into a folder. Episodes one and two of the first series and episodes one, eight and thirteen of the second series have special intros so no processing needed to be done on them. For step 4 it turned out that spaces in the filenames broke the command and I couldn’t figure out how to properly escape them so while preparing the files also remove any spaces or other characters that might cause problems from the filenames.

3. Strip the existing intro

I loaded episodes up in Kdenlive just to check the exact length of the existing intro on the episodes and found it to be 1′12″ and so wrote a command to iterate over all the files and write out an MP4 version with the English audio track (the second audio track in the file, but mapped as 1 in the command as FFmpeg indexes from 0) with that much time cut from the start.

I use a Fish shell rather than Bash. If you use Bash or a different shell you will need to adjust the commands.

for v in *.mkv
	set b (basename "$v" ".mkv")
	ffmpeg -i "$v" -ss 00:01:12.01 -map 0:v -map 0:a:1 "$b-nointro.mp4"

There were a couple of episodes where it turned out that there was still one frame of the old intro left at the start so those had to be reprocessed with the start time set to 00:01:12.02.

4. Splice in the original intro

I moved the downloaded intro file into the same folder as the episodes and spliced it into the files. This broke when there were spaces in the filenames and I wasn’t able to escape it properly so I ended up just stripping spaces out and renaming the files back with KRename afterwards.

for v in *-nointro.mp4
	set b (basename "$v" "-nointro.mp4")
	ffmpeg -i intro.mp4 -i "$v" -filter_complex "movie=intro.mp4, scale=1424:1080 [v1] ; amovie=intro.mp4 [a1] ; movie=$v, scale=1424:1080 [v2] ; amovie=$v [a2] ; [v1] [v2] concat [outv] ; [a1] [a2] concat=v=0:a=1 [outa]" -map "[outv]" -map "[outa]" "$b-intro.mp4"

5. Fixing chapter metadata

The episodes had some chapter metadata dividing up parts of the episode, with the first one covering just the episode intros, which cutting out that part of the video removed. I decided to fix that with the versions with the restored intro, even though obviously I am never actually going to skip it in practise. The first step of this was outputting the metadata to a text file.

for v in *-intro.mp4
	set b (basename "$v" "-intro.mp4")
	ffmpeg -i "$v" -f ffmetadata "$b.txt"

I then manually adjusted the metadata entry to restore the Chapter 01 entry, putting it above the existing chapters in the file. Most of them had their Chapter 01 entry wiped out so I just added it in above the Chapter 02 entry, though some of them still had a Chapter 01 lasting just a few milliseconds so for those I just modified the END time for it. The new intro was 1′7.61″ which meant a 67,610ms timestamp. I also changed the START entry for every Chapter 02 to 67610 to match.

title=Chapter 01

Once they were all updated I applied the modified chapter metadata back to the files

for v in *-intro.mp4
	set b (basename "$v" "-intro.mp4")
	ffmpeg -i "$v" -i "$b.txt" -map_chapters 1 -codec copy "$b.mp4"

6. Done!

Then I deleted all the intermediary files and dropped the processed files into my Jellyfin server along with the episodes that didn’t need fixing.


I really like Jellyfin. It’s sort of an open-source Plex. I run a server that is just on my local network that lets me watch films and television shows from my desktop, couch, phone or anything else on my home network and even simply organising everything is very pleasing to me. I spend far too long picking covers and artwork for everything, sometimes even making my own, like when I made an Irish logo and cover for Na Conrioċtaí when I couldn’t fine one to match the official Irish posters for the other two Cartoon Saloon folklore movies.

My collection for the Cartoon Saloon Irish Folklore Trilogy in Jellyfin.
I went through the official logos from as many languages as I could find to get all the letter shapes to put the Irish logo together for Wolfwalkers.

It has some other really nice features as well like telling you what time something will end at if you started playing now and letting you easily have multiple version of the same film under the same entry, letting you as easily select them as you would the right language for a movie with multiple audio tracks, so you can have both a bluray rip and the Morton Jankel cut of Super Mario Bros. together or the official black and white cuts of Fury Road or Johnny Mnemonic alongside the colour versions.

The Matrix in Jellyfin, showing a scan of the theatrical print as the version selected.
No green tint here!

And of course you can also customise the artwork for all the different media categories, so mine look like this:

My Jellyfin server where all the categories at the top for films, television, music, etc. all feature different versions of Sonic the Hedgehog.


I need to write posts that aren’t just technical updates about the site itself and the stuff copied over from my other accounts.

I have plans for stuff to write I have just been tired and sick and busy.


The story so far: I was using Cusdis to provide a comments section for the bog but it proved to be broken and unmaintained so I replaced it with a self-hosted instance of Comentario.

I am going to walk through what I did to set up Comentario and import old comments from Cusdis. This is not a guide and the scripts that are posted below have serious problems that should be fixed before being used and I am not going to be the one to do that and you would obviously need to change any references to to your own site.


First of all I needed to have an address to host the Comentario instance at. I chose a new subdomain at and had to update my Let’s Encrypt certificates to cover that new subdomain. I did not save the commands I used to do that but it was pretty straightforward to do from the command line.


Then I installed Docker on my server and following Damien’s example with a few tweaks I created my docker-compose.yml and secrets.yaml files.


version: '3'

    image: postgres:17-alpine
      POSTGRES_DB: comentario
      - ""

    restart: unless-stopped
      SECRETS_FILE: "/secrets.yaml"
      - "5050:80"
      - ./secrets.yaml:/secrets.yaml:ro


  host:     db
  port:     5432
  database: comentario

Changing the ports configuration to means that the Postgres database is only accessible from the server locally and not publicly available. I also don’t have an email setup for the Comentario instance currently.

Launching the instance is then just a matter of:

sudo docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d


Then I needed to modify my Nginx config to direct to the Comentario instance running on port 5050.

server {

	listen 443 ssl;

	ssl_certificate     /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
	ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
	include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf;
	ssl_dhparam /etc/letsencrypt/ssl-dhparams.pem;

	location / {
		proxy_redirect off;
		proxy_http_version 1.1;
		proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
		proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
		proxy_set_header Connection keep-alive;
		proxy_set_header Host $host;
		proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
		proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
		proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
		proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $server_name;
		proxy_buffer_size 128k;
		proxy_buffers 4 256k;
		proxy_busy_buffers_size 256k;
		add_header Cache-Control "private";

Importing comments

Once there were a few comments on the new system I used the export feature in Comentario to get a JSON file and looked at how Comentario defined comment data in that. I also manually went through all the comments on the old system and made a basic CSV file of all of them with the author name, date posted, the URL of the post the comment was on and the text of each comment. I then wrote this Python file to take the exported Comentario comments—named basedata.json—and the CSV with the old Cusdis comments—comments.csv—and exported a new file with the combined data in the Comentario format.

There are some problems with this!

  1. When importing data Comentario does not check for duplicates. I ended up creating duplicates of all the new Comentario comments that already existed on the site doing this and had to manually delete them. If you are doing this do not include existing comments as part of the file you are creating to import.
  2. I did not include replies at all. I decided to try importing replies I had made to people as a second, separate, step (see the second Python script below). This made things more awkward down the line. Do everything in one batch.
import csv
import json
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from dateutil.parser import parse
from pprint import pprint
from uuid import uuid4

now =
pages = {}
site_url = ''
date_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"


with open('comments.csv', newline='') as csv_file:
		csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
		for row in csv_reader:
				author, date, url, text = row
				date = parse(date)
				if url not in pages:
					pages[url] = {
						'comments': []
					'author': author,
					'date': date,
					'text': text

with open('basedata.json') as json_file:
		data = json.load(json_file)

domainId = data['pages'][0]['domainId']

for url, page in pages.items():
	page_id = str(uuid4())
		'createdTime': now.strftime(date_format),
		'domainId': domainId,
		'id': page_id,
		'isReadonly': False,
		'path': url,

	for comment in page['comments']:
		comment_id = str(uuid4())
			"authorCountry": "IE",
			'authorName': comment['author'],
			'createdTime': comment['date'].strftime(date_format),
			"deletedTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
      "editedTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
      "html": f"\u003cp\u003e{comment['text']}\u003c/p\u003e\n",
			'id': comment_id,
			'isApproved': True,
			'isDeleted': False,
			'isPending': False,
			'isSticky': False,
			'markdown': comment['text'],
			"moderatedTime": comment['date'].strftime(date_format),
			'pageId': page_id,
			'score': 0,
			'url': f'{site_url}{url}#comentario-{comment_id}',
			'userCreated': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
			"userModerated": my_id

with open('import.json', 'w') as import_file:
	json.dump(data, import_file)

When that was done I put it away for a while as I wasn’t feeling well and eventually came back to do replies. I, again, manually went through all replies I had made to comments on the old system and made a CSV file with the reply date, URL of the page, the UUID of the parent comment as it existed in the new Comentario system, the UUID of the page the parent comment is on in teh new Comentario system and the text of the reply.

Two things are important to note about this:

  1. It was a pain in the hole. If I had done replies at the same time as the rest of the comments I could have used the UUIDs that I was generating in the script rather than going to find them manually and making them into a CSV.
  2. The initial upload failed as apparently Comentario couldn’t match the page and user IDs to what was in the database and it needed those to be in the import file. I got around this by doing another export and copying the entries for pages and commenters from that into the new one and uploading. This was not a good way to do this! It could have gone badly or had unexpected side effects. Again, if you’re doing this do not import comments and replies as two separate steps!
  3. It still didn’t fully work anyway. My replies did import and do show up on the right pages but they are not nested properly as replies. It’s like looking at a comment section on a very old Youtube video where reply chains are broken and everything just displays as individual comments. I don’t think that I am going to bother trying to fix this as I don’t have that many comments on this site and I think everything reads understandably as it is but if you want to try this approach you will want to figure out a way of not fucking up importing the replies.
import csv
import json
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from dateutil.parser import parse
from pprint import pprint
from uuid import uuid4

now =
site_url = ''
date_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"


data = {
  "version": 3,
  "comments": [],

with open('replies.csv', newline='') as csv_file:
		csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
		for row in csv_reader:
				date, url, parent_id, page_id, text = row
				date = parse(date)

				comment_id = str(uuid4())

					"authorCountry": "IE",
					"createdTime": date.strftime(date_format),
					"deletedTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
					"editedTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
					"html": f"\u003cp\u003e{text}\u003c/p\u003e\n",
					"id": comment_id,
					"isApproved": True,
					"isDeleted": False,
					"isPending": False,
					"isSticky": False,
					"markdown": text,
					"moderatedTime": date.strftime(date_format),
					"pageId": page_id,
					"parentId": parent_id,
					"score": 0,
					"url": f'{site_url}{url}#comentario-{comment_id}',
					"userCreated": my_id,
					"userModerated": my_id

with open('reply-import.json', 'w') as import_file:
	json.dump(data, import_file)

My avatar

One last thing is that Comentario doesn’t allow GIF avatars, but I like my sparkly Jupiter. After looking at the Postgres database I could see that user avatars are simply stored as binary data in the table cm_user_avatars with three sizes avatar_l, avatar_m and avatar_s corresponding to 128×128, 32×32 and 16×16 pixels, respectively, so I made some GIFs in the appropriate sizes, converted them to binary strings, and overrode the avatar_l and avatar_m entries in the cm_user_avatars table manually (I left the avatar_s as a JPEG).

UPDATE cm_user_avatars SET avatar_m = '\xBINARY_DATA_HERE'  WHERE user_id = 'UUID_HERE';

This seems to work without any problems and my avatar in my own comments section is sparkly now.


That’s it I hope I don’t have to worry too much about this setup again for some time.

The team tested their findings by making pozzolanic concrete from ancient and modern recipes using quicklime. They also made a control concrete without quicklime and performed crack tests. Sure enough, the cracked quicklime concrete was fully healed within two weeks, but the control concrete stayed cracked.

Arguments based in evolutionary psychology are always a bit suspect but are truly silly when you are at all familiar with the breath of kinks that people have. I have friends who are turned on by the idea of being transformed into a pool toy. I think that there are deeper and more chaotic processes involved in human desire and behaviour than a very basic model of direct evolutionary pressures leading to the actions of individual people.

An old ad for Grape-Nuts featuring a box of Grape-Nuts with beefy arms and legs holding a man in a suit from behind, next to the text, "Steadies a Man."

I found this image saved in my phone. I have no idea where I found it. Someone probably shared it on Cohost.

There's so much to consider here. The beefy box of Grape-Nuts holding the man, apparently steadying him. The incredible type setting. The copy itself. The fact that the product's slogan appears to be, "There's a Reason."

It reads like it was written for Orson Welles by an alien.

Mm yes, I love to ingest the food elements Nature has stored up in wheat and barley. And I especially love when they combine, in the blood, with albumen to repair and build up my cells.

Thanks, Grape-Nuts!

Podcast were the hosts track down and watch/listen/read every single official and unofficial version of Shada, including every version of Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency, and slowly lose their grip on reality.

Oh no I’ve convinced myself this is a good idea.

Broader just like a podcast about weird, funny or interesting adaptations would be something I would really enjoy doing I think.

There are so many weird novelisations.

Game poster.

Surprising that this had an option for your shout of “no!” to be in Irish, and not just because it’s a minority language in a small country. There isn’t actually a direct word for no in Irish, so they went with «ní dhéanfaidh mé é», “I will not do it”. This does highlight how the word no is used in a bunch of different contexts in the game. It is often used to refuse a task, which this translation makes sense for, but it is also used to answer questions and other contexts where «ní dhéanfaidh mé é» doesn’t really make sense, and I wonder do any of the nos offered for other language don’t always make sense in context in the game.

Though honestly even shouting “no” in English sometimes felt like it didn’t really fit as a response. I was often waiting for dialogue to get to a point where shouting no fit in naturally, but it quickly becomes apparent that there is no point in doing this. Really this is just a game with a button to advance dialogue that also plays a sound effect and it does shockingly little with the idea.

Every once in a while you will be stopped to do a tutorial on how to do a different style of no, which sets up the expectation that these matter in some way but they do not; they are purely for a little bit of extra self-expression. That might have been a cute little bit of player controlled flair but the fact that they keep stopping everything to give me tutorials on something utterly pointless soured me on them. The control scheme for them also seems needless complicated. Why have them as different modes you have to toggle between with the d-pad? Why not just have them on the four different face buttons? None of the other face buttons do anything anyway so you could have just let them free for that. There is a shocking amount of tutorials to sit through in this game that has absolutely no mechanical depth. Maybe that was intended to be a joke in and of itself? Well it falls about as flat as most of the humour in the game, then.

The one little bit of mechanical choice is the decision to not shout no sometimes, which lets you progress some little mini scenes. These are cute but also they then run out of ideas for what to do with them and repeat the same staring contest joke five times.

Okay I’ve been enough of a grump. This is a short game with a cute idea and I do really like the Mega Man Legends-esque aesthetic and really liked the character creator. It’s okay.

Book cover.

What voice I hear when I read dialogue in these comics varies a lot. When I read the mainline Sonic comics I usually hear Rodger Craig Smith’s voice in my head as the hedgehog, but if it’s something where he’s a bit more immature it’s often Bryan Drummond. For Seasons of Chaos it’s Martin Burke from the O.V.A. with a matching Lainie Frasier Tails, but when I turn the page over to Sonic Learns to Drive he’s Jaleel White now. Sonic encompasses a bunch of different tones and styles and this book is a nice collection of some of the lighter stories with the younger versions of the cast.

Seasons of Chaos itself feels like it delivers on the promises of the Mega Drive miniseries that got cut short by the Archie Sonic the Hedgehog comic’s cancellation with an expanded, post-Sonic Mania cast who are also captured so perfectly in Aaron Hammerstrom and Reggie Graham’s art.

Sonic Learns to Drive is goofy fun that feels like it is hitting every single obvious joke to make but it lands them well.

Dr. Eggman’s Birthday and Amy’s New Hobby are two cute stories to end it out on, particularly the latter with its celebration of making your own little comics, which feels particularly meaningful given how much of the staff of the comics came from fan communities in the first place, and stands in stark contrast to how Sonic Boom and that era of Sonic media handled the idea of fan fiction with disdainful self-mockery.

Book cover.

I got this on a whim as part of a three for two offer, being a fan of Doctor Who since the 2005 series but only having seen bits and pieces of the older show and not much in the way of expanded universe material. I enjoyed it. The title story is by far the most substantial, trying to be a condemnation of the misogyny of a lot of sci fi adventure fiction but making the female cast suffer by way of demonstration. Emblematic of the approach is when Ace is told to put on a gold (presumably; the comic is in black and white) bikini, to which her response is to kick a guard square in the chest, steal his sword, and escape, only to quickly fall back into peril and be forced into the slave attire anyway. Much worse things happen to women in the story from there.

The art is impressive enough at times but often falls into uncanny and offputting in ways that extremely realistic styles do. It’s feels like making a comic out of stills taken from the show paused at unfortunate moments mid sentence that make the characters look as bad as possible. Included in this version are some redone pages that might be argued to look better than the originals in isolation, but in practise massively contrast with what’s either side of them in a terribly jarring manner. In the originals you have strict black and white with clear lines and contrast with the redrawn ones done entirely in digital brushes with no sharp lines and a million shades of grey. The contrasting styles could, maybe, have been used to dilettante the reality of Earth with the imaginary construction of the titular empire but that is not how they are used at all. In fact when I saw how the soldiers in fatigues looked in the painted pages I thought it made them look like plastic figurines, which I thought might tie into how Ace describes the empire of stinking of polystyrene cement, but those were the real UNIT troops, not part of Alex’s mindscape.

The second largest part of the book is The Grief which is a fairly middling riff on Aliens in which the Doctor guilt trips a guy into doing a big heroic sacrifice and then leaves him to die, followed by him in The Raven picking up a samurai to bring to the future so that he can murder a bunch of gangsters. I know these stories are trying to be part of an era of constructing the Doctor as a darker, more ambiguous, schemer but it just comes across as petty and mean.

Memorial tries to put this scheming to a better, more touching use, but the backstory being a highly advanced purely good lovely alien species being wiped out by another purely evil alien species seems very unimaginative, especially coming just off The Grief which had the same thing. is kind of fun with the chutes and ladders spread but I felt like I was missing some context reading it, which the commentary at the back of the volume confirmed and I have nothing much to say about Conflict of Interests or Living in the Past.

Book cover.

The story is straightforward but effecting and it is brought to life wonderfully in the art, especially Nathalie Fourdraine’s colouring and it’s a masterpiece in the use of light and darkness and it’s just lovely to revisit in in paper. And there’s just so many little details: The boarders changing based on the lighting throughout the comic, getting darker as they venture into the depths of the Death Egg and glitching out in time with Mecha Sonic.

There’s lots of great little moments throughout. I love when it briefly turned into Aliens everything turns green. And Mecha Sonic is just so cool.

I do think Sonic’s injured leg is something that he seems to just get over far too easily in the climax and really nitpicking things a small detail I noticed on reread: Sonic consistently walks putting his weight on his injured leg. I guess this is to make it more visible and prominent, and maybe easier to draw, but once I noticed it bothered me for the rest of the book.

I am seeing people on Tumblr talk about the murderbot show and if it is going to have the emotional depth of the original murderbot source material and be true to its handling of the muderbot’s relationship to gender and I don’t know if this is a bit or not and I refuse to look it up.

I was in Forbidden Planet and decided it would be nice to have physical copies of some of the prettier Sonic one off stories and then I was told there was a 3 for 2 so I grabbed a random volume of reprinted Doctor Who Magazine comics as well

Sonic the Hedgehog: Scrapnik Island and Seasons of Chaos and Doctor Who: Evening’s Empire.


When I made my one game per year list I went back as far as 1990. This was because at that point I was struggling to come up with games I had actually played for a given year and while I could probably have filled in some stuff for the 80s, 1990 seemed like a good place to stop because it was a nice even number and also the year I was born.

When I went to do my one film per year list I stopped at the same point. I hadn’t put much thought into that, covering the same years for the list just seemed the obvious thing to do to me. When I shared it with some people they asked why stop there and some of them made their own lists, going back much farther in years and certainly further than when they were born. So I decided to go back look at how I would expand out the list back in time.

I haven’t updated the list yet but with just my preliminary scan through Letterboxd’s lists of movies by year I surprised myself with how few gaps I had. I was expecting to have trouble filling in entries once I hit the 70s on but it’s not till 1970 itself that I hit a gap where I don’t think that I’ve seen anything from that year and it’s not till the early 50s where I start to have more years where I don’t have anything than do.

But for 1970 I’ve been meaning to watch Crimes of the Future and I have other films that interest me for many of the gaps in my list, so I think I’m going to try to fill in the gaps in my list pushing it back a bit more before I update it and post it again, so expect me to post some reviews for older movies to my Letterboxd.

And if you have any recommendations for movies from 1955 or earlier I would be all ears to hear them. Or also for 1969 in particular as well because that is a year I seem to be struggling to find something I want to watch for.

Film poster.

The animation in this film in stunning and I love how it wears its artifice on its sleeve. The visible rough lines, the geometricity and lack of perspective on the backgrounds, Cartoon Saloon’s art looks like drawings come to life in a way that most animation doesn’t. It’s absolutely gorgeous.

Film poster.

The film can’t really help replicating the ideas its critiquing with glamourising the sexualisation of young women and marking ageing as something monstrous—despite the utter lack of any subtlety I could see, à la Fight Club, people coming out of this just thinking that Sue is hot and being old sucks—but it goes so damn hard with what it does that I cannot just get swept up in it.


I have finally set up a replacement for Cusdis. Following Damien’s example I have set up a self-hosted instance of Comentario.

You can comment with or without setting up an account. If you create an account please don’t forget your password because I do not have an email account set up for it to send out password resets but also please don’t reuse a password because you should not trust me with that.

I will try to transfer old comments from Cusdis over but that won’t happen immediately.

I have also set up a page that has all my bog posts without the stuff syndicated from other sites mirroring the existing Atom feed that does that.

Donkey Kong Jr. while still a child kart raced Mario. Now his son adult son, Donkey Kong, races Mario. From this we can conclude that the lifespan of a jumpman is much longer than that of a kong.

Show poster.

I am only still watching this out of sunk cost at this point. This show has never come together very well I think. The tone can be all over the place and its humour consistently feels like all the worst jokes in Legend of Aang while struggling with the more serious parts.

Episode often feel like they are just spinning their wheels to wait to for the finales where things can actually happen while everyone gets delayed with a new fetch quest of grand importance and little consequence.

It does come together a bit more towards the end when everything starts to get fully serious but its still jarring in with how violent it pivots to the point where you the funny comic relief animal is decapitating things.

Film poster.

It may be that I was just in a bad mood watching this but I could not find much enjoyment in it and it just went on and on. Perhaps the theatrical cut rather than the extended cut might have tried my patience less, but just two and a half hours of it rather than nearly three would still have felt far too much. Going back over everything after the twists felt like it just dragged on far more than was needed for showing new angles on what was happening.

The sexual aspects of mostly felt very sleazy, especially when going over the horrific grooming aspect of it, and not in a way that felt like it was trying to be deliberately offputting. Though I think it has really helped to confirm to myself that I am pretty asexual these days.

This lettering is annoying me because I know exactly what mistake was made when typesetting it and it’s consistent through the entire volume.

A panel from Dungeon Meshi in English. The “I”s are inconsistently seriffed.

(the i should only be written with serifs when it’s a pronoun, but the font they used encodes this by having the capital i being seriffed, so they’ve ended up writing every sentence that starts with an i with a seriffed i)

Book cover.

Strange to read at the same time as A Closed and Common Orbit. It takes a few notes from towards the end of A Closed and Common Orbit and builds a smaller, neater narrative to lead up to specifically them. On its own it might have felt more interesting, coming off the back of the larger book it ended up feeling a little empty. And the fantasy of Panga as the world that successfully pulled back from collapse didn’t feel hopeful to me, it just made me feel bitter about the world. A miracle happened and it made everyone realise that rampant, endless, consumption and destruction was bad. How convenient.

Show poster.

Sometimes you commit to a bit too much and you end up watching two dozen episodes of a show for babies with your partner. It has mostly been enjoyable and I am told that this does get more complex and actually has plot development as it goes on, and there was a whiff of that towards the end of the first series, but out of twenty-six episodes only maybe five of them had anything going on more than the basic villain-of-the-week plot.

This review contains spoilers.

Show poster.

I thought that the overarching plots had stalled a bit and then a group of children doxxed the main villain and publicly accused him of being a paedophile in a kids’ browser game. Incredible television.

Though them trying to do is-it-real-or-not with the demonic visions is really wearing thin at this point. If they aren’t then there must be something very worrying in the New York water supply considering that every major character has been seeing demons regularly at this point.

Book cover.

I picked this up on a whim when I saw it in a bookshop that I have a gift voucher for. I’ve watched the show before and enjoyed it so what I’m mostly interested in here is how it works as a comic in comparison to that.

And I do think there’s a lot here that works better on page. Something I’ve never liked in anime is quick cutaways in the middle of dialogue for asides or inner monologue. I think these work better in a comic panel where it’s just a little bit of extra annotation on the page but is almost universally awkward in a show where it’s cut into the middle of dialogue and messes with the flow of conversation. Dungeon Meshi isn’t the worst offender but it’s still not great.

The diagrams that pop up when people are going on a bit of a monologue also work a lot better when you can take time to sit on them, and especially the panels where the meals are shown off after cooking. The extra details of listing out the ingredients and nutritional information really adds to it (and as for the show’s version of that, I am a hater when it comes to overly shiny anime food, shit looks like it’s made of plastic half the time).

That said, the actual cooking sequences do benefit from getting to be animated. Those little montages of methodical preparation are satisfying. The actors in the show are also really good. I am fully just hearing the actors from the show in my head as I read. Except Falin. I never liked her voice. Sorry. (I watched it in English, mostly).

Then there are some issues I take with how they’ve lettered this in English. They have used a comic font with a seriffed I on the uppercase and a sans serif I on the lowercase. This is a standard way of encoding a comic font but the serif I is only meant to be used for the pronoun I and acronyms but they have clearly just typeset it by typing in the sentences normally, so any sentence that starts with I has it seriffed when it shouldn’t be. They also use a different font for asides which doesn’t have a seriffed I.

And then the onomatopoeias are awkward. It seems like some of them have been redrawn but most of them they have just scribbled in a transliteration followed by an attempt at an English approximation in brackets under it. Maybe that’s the standard way to do it?—I don’t read much manga—and I don’t know what would be the ideal approach would be but this way strikes me an awkward middle-ground that clutters the page and slows down my reading.

I think I will just wait for the show to come out and watch it as it does rather than continue reading this, though.

I want to figure out how to get Feedbin to display my posts with an avatar as it does this for Mastodon posts.

There’s a blog post here that says “The great thing about this is that there’s nothing actually Mastodon-specific here. Any RSS feed can be styled this way.” but there doesn’t seem to be any documentation on how this is handled or how to use this.

Digging through the source code it seems like it’s based on whether the first post that’s parsed from the feed has a title or not.

Frustrating that it would be such an all or nothing thing for the entire feed about whether it should be considered microformat or not and that you can’t have avatars and post titles together. I’m also reluctant to remove post titles from my Atom feed as that seems like that could not play nicely with other readers.

My last post on this account as displayed in Feedbin.

Film poster.

Rachel and Aiden trying to flee to suburbia and hide from the consequences of their actions by trying to be a Normal Family and put on brave faces for each other is a strong start. Things like Aiden’s photography hobby seeming innocent until you realise that it’s a way to check people’s faces for signs of the curse or Rachel’s severe insecurity at not being the archetypical mother figure as a way to make her son feel safe.

But they can’t keep pretending they’ve done nothing wrong when the consequences of the curse they’ve spread start to reach their safe haven.

But as the plot goes on it’s just all a bit... whatever. Samara’s new motivation seems at odds with the first film while her new backstory feels like a retread of it but with a bonus Catholicism. The idea of Rachel not fitting the typical image of motherhood is not resolved by her breaking away from that but just by fulfilling it in a different way by being a big, boring mamma bear hero.

Film poster.

Genuinely my one my favourite films in the series, certainly my favourite of the American ones. It has a simple premise but manages to squeeze a good bit out of it in its short runtime.

I really enjoy it imagining social consequences of the tape spreading which is something that most sequels in this series lack. The way it becomes this underground subculture onto itself, these kids trying to understand what they are experiencing but not having a clue how to investigate or interrogate it, sharing stories and recording videos of themselves, how how nasty that turns.

I’ve read these before but I’m reading through Joe Wintergreen’s posts commenting on Half-Life 2’s source code and one of the comments made me smile in the coding for the fast zombie’s leap

// Take him off ground so engine doesn't instantly reset FL_ONGROUND.
UTIL_SetOrigin( this, GetAbsOrigin() + Vector( 0 , 0 , 1 ));

Because I did the exact same thing in Snolf RB2 when taking a shot. Teleport one unit up so that you’re not on the ground any more.

Had a wobbly day so I redesigned the Daleks. I’ve leaned into the dogmatic, pious aspect of them by implying robes. The eye stalk is now a gun and the plunger has been swapped for an arrangement of arachnoid arms. Hopefully it’s a little more unsettling than the originals.

A Dalek redesigned so that its shell is in the shape of a robe draping over a gun barrel with tiny metal claws reaching out from the darkness underneath.

Game poster.

This was clearly made by people who loved Advance Wars and wanted to take making a new game in that style very seriously. Despite the medieval fantasy facelift the game feels immediately familiar and charming but with a lot of thoughtful tweaks and changes to systems to make them fresh and more engaging.

I am very fond of the critical hit system making unit placement and countering much more thoughtful than a simple rock paper scissors approach of damage types and weaknesses.

I also quite like them sticking to the idea of making the different commander units representative of the different infantry types in the game to the point of having a dog commander.

The problem, though, is that this was clearly made by people who loved Advance Wars and wanted to take making a new game in that style very seriously and as part of that they tried to actually make it balanced! I don’t want balance, I want fun little weirdos with ridiculous abilities bouncing off of each other!

Every army is the same other than their commander, without even any passive buffs. Where is the guy who gets bonuses for roads? The guy whose artillery sucks shit but gets super buffed spearmen or something? I understand that they wanted to create a viable multiplayer game but I am just here for the story mode.

I mentioned that the commanders are based off the different types of infantry but even then they all have the exact same stats and only differ in their charge-up ability. The dog doesn’t behave like a dog unit, the vampire doesn’t behave like a vampire unit, they are all just super-footsoldiers. It’s a real shame.

And of course the other problem with this being made by Advance Wars sickos is that the difficulty is skewed pretty highly. I don’t think it’s massively unreasonable but it was harder than I expected and I certainly didn’t want to replay everything on hard to grind out stars, which you need to do to unlock the completely unreasonably gated final level. I ended up just downloading a completed save file to play it and honestly it wasn’t even that difficult.

Show poster.

I am going to be a curmudgeon. The show is cute but there isn’t really enough to hold my interest. I think it works well as something to put on for a group watch while chatting but not that much else. Also I know that this is somewhat necessary just to create a reality show in the first place but I find the degree to which the narrator is imposing narratives on the children offputting, especially how quickly it jumps at the opportunity to frame everything in terms of gender roles.


I don’t wear jewellery much but I still have an occasional hobby of making my own earrings and I just enjoy a good kitschy earring in general.

Here’s some things I have stuck a fishhook in:

An S.D. card with a Raspberry Pi logo.
It has Raspbian and a bunch of Mega Drive games on it.
A bottle opener.
Good for parties.
A small jar with a cork stopper filled with blue, pink and white glitter.
Made with foil from a nail art kit.
Another jar filled with gold glitter.
A worm on a string.
Dangerous to wear around my cat.
A small yale lock.
This one is too heavy to actually wear. The lock is still fully intact though so I can just take it out of the fishhook if I need it for anything.
A cat bell.
A bit too loud directly next to my ear.
A mini CD labelled “Verbiage” with “Windows XP Legit” written on it with marker.
Originally a keychain.
An obsidian arrowhead.
Originally a necklace whose chain broke.

Some other earrings that I didn’t make but felt like showing off.

Lego bricks in a rainbow pattern.
That’s gay.
Klein bottles.
From Acme Klein Bottle.
Two pairs of earrings: Studs with a strawberry design and fishhooks with blue translucent hearts.
My Celeste earrings.
A chain of marbles on a fishhook representing the planets in the solar system with a second fishhook with just a single red and yellow marble on it representing the sun.
The solar system. This is two heavy to wear for more than a few hours. I briefly had the notion of a project of making something like this but with balls made of or plated with the planetary metal associated with each celestial body in alchemy, but then I remembered what the name of the first planet from the Sun is.
A miniature model of a bag of “pink potato chips”.
I don’t know what these snacks actually are but I will try them if I ever see them.
A fuzzy white cat head.
Looks familiar.


There are some things that I do occasionally but never often enough that I remember the procedures for them, e.g. if I use my printer’s scanner to scan to a U.S.B. stick what format does the U.S.B. stick need to be formatted to. I have started just writing this on the printer itself with a pencil.

My printer with a reminder to format U.S.B. sticks to FAT32 written on it in pencil, along with a procedure for printing double sided.

When I did this I was at first hesitant to “deface” my printer, but that’s silly. It’s my printer and I do not have it to look pretty. I think I should do this more often. I already have a giant stack of plastic drawers all labelled with their contents and I think I should label things more often with these kinds of reminders to save myself frustration. With my brain it’s the only way I can remember where anything is or procedures for using things.


Cusdis appears to not be refreshing my monthly comment allowance so I am not able to approve any new comments. I reported this issue a week ago but I think that the developer is not currently working on the project. I may look into getting up a self-hosted version set up and migrating all existing comments to it but I am not sure when I’ll be able to get that done.


This post quotes writing about sex and kinks.

In the last roundup post I linked to a piece by Devon Price. I was not aware of him before coming across a link to that piece myself but he seems to be quite a prolific writers. I’ve been going through some of his pieces and not only are they very interesting but they also speak to my own experiences in many ways as well, though quite different in others. I am being deliberately unspecific here about which parts are which, but I wanted to just link to a few more of his pieces and would just generally recommend reading his writing I think.

Common Phases of Accepting You’re Autistic

The questioning phase is perhaps the most challenging one to move forward from — because to openly declare that you have a mental disability is to immediately call your own capacity to understand and interpret things into question. If other people can’t see how much you’re suffering, they will accuse you of being crazy and faking it. If they can see your struggles, they’ll accuse you of being too crazy to understand those struggles yourself.

The Asexual Fetishist

There’s nothing especially alluring to me about any type of body, or any type of face. The idea grabbing a dick or cupping a pert ass feels a bit formal, as if I were examining a purebred at a dog show. I can recognize the differences between one type of person and another, and even recognize the qualities that someone else might like, but to me all these gradients just dissolve into a bland field of fleshy sameness.

I’m equally bored by the mechanics of sex: the motions and stimulations bring me absolutely no pleasure. An attractive and attentive stranger could rub the correct spots on my body for hours, with the exactly right pressure and speed, and I’d only feel hollow if the experience weren’t also combined with some mind-controlling mantras or a swinging pocket watch.

Hypnosis is sex to me. Even in its most stagey and sterile forms, I find it inescapably erotic — and that leaves sex itself as just some boring party trick. You can touch me, or you can perform a series of backflips in front of me on the floor; either way I’ll tell you that you’ve done a very impressive job and all but it will not make me cum.

A Non-Disposable Place

That’s one thing that people don’t talk about, when they complain about landlords: how much disregard for your surroundings that renting breeds in you. It’s not only that the owner of your building never cleans the pipes. It’s also that you have no reason to feel invested in the pipes’ long-term functioning, and every reason to feel bitter about the thousands of dollars you’re already wasting on a broken building each year.


Instagram have started creating fake accounts that post entirely machine-generated images and text. They will reply to you if you comment under their posts or direct message them.

Update: Apparently the specific account I was referencing here is an experiment from 2023 and doesn’t post any more but still replies to direct messages. People thought it was new due to some recent announcement about bot accounts and I didn’t dig into it myself. The rest of my frustrations with how people treat these things remains.

I mostly want to talk about stuff I like on here and not just add to endless bitching about bad stuff but I just needed to write out some frustrations I have with how people talk about these kinds of large language model bots.

I have seen people posting their conversations with it and attempting to ask it various things about itself and how it was created to try and dig for information on it or just to create gotcha moments they can screenshot and it makes me want to scream.

I won’t link to any of those for a few reasons, but the one I want to state is the same reason that these screenshots make me want to tear my hair out: Large language models are machines that make up nonsense constantly. The text it generates does not have semantic content and least of all meaningful information about itself. It is not worth looking at specific responses it gives. And so because of that: Stop asking it about itself. It is not capable of knowing anything. It takes a processed set of training data and whatever input it has (its prompting that you are not able to see plus whatever text you send it) and then generates output that is a statistically likely continuation of that.

People are asking it what is the diversity of its team of creators and get a response about how it was mostly white people. It doesn’t know that. Again. It doesn’t know anything. It is incapable of knowledge. But it will generate something that is a likely response to a question of this nature. The training data that was used to create it has many texts about how American software development is very white and it will create a response in this vein.

People have asked it who led the project that created it and it spat out a name and people are trying to dig up information from the Linked In profile of a Facebook employee with a similar name.

People are asking it to repeat its prompt and then analysing its response to make judgements on the people that wrote it. This is at least asking it for something that the model actually has as part of its input so it might result in text that is a copy of or close to things it was actually prompted with. But it mightn’t. It could be anything. People asking bots to repeat their prompt is now an established trope in online writing that is pulled for training data for these models and so its output to this type of question will be influenced by the presence of such texts in its training corpus as well.

There is no way to trick these bots into meaningfully divulging information because facts are not a thing that exist to it. You are at best nudging it in a direction where it is more likely to output text that happens to line up with reality. This is more likely to happen for widely known and repeated information that exists in its training data a lot. If you ask it the capital of France it will probably say Paris. But there is no reason to think that its training data contains any meaningful information about itself and even if it was prompted with information like that what information it was given would be entirely under Instagram’s control and why the fuck would trust Instagram to be honest either?


Since New Year’s Eve 2021 some some friends and I have done an annual race of the game Celeste. We all start at the same time and then the first person to get to the summit wins. We track it using the in-game speedrun timer.


I was very into Celeste at the time and won by a pretty wide margin. I don’t have a record of how everyone else did, but I completed the game in just under two hours, with three hundred and six deaths and six strawberries1.

🏃 ⏱️ 💀 🍓
🥇Caoimhe 1°54′55.047″ 306 6


After this two of my friends got into the game very hard. My friend Jen ended up getting most of the golden berries2, something I haven’t even attempted and another friend, who wished to be called The Shadowblade in this post, started getting into Celeste mods. So when the next race happpened on the 8th of January 2022 Jen took the gold medal from me, beating my time by half an hour while I barely improved. The Shadowblade sadly did not finish and gave up four flags from the summit due to hand pain.

🏃 ⏱️
🥇Jen 1°22′10.918″
🥈Caoimhe 1°51′25.318″
🥉The Shadowblade D.N.F.


On the same day the next year myself and Jen both improved our times, with Jen coming in first again, a newcomer who I will call D. in second and myself in third. The Shadowblade did not finish again.

🏃 ⏱️ 💀 🍓
🥇Jen 1°08′01.275″
🥈D. 1°21′03.071″
🥉Caoimhe 1°34′46.007″ 245 0
🏅The Shadowblade D.N.F.


The next race was on the 14th of January 2024 and I managed to take more than twenty minutes off of my time, which was not enough to beat Jen’s best time, but Jen did a worse race than the previous year and it was enough for me to win for the second time.

🏃 ⏱️ 💀 🍓
🥇Caoimhe 1°12′40.296″ 128 0
🥈Jen 1°14′53.679″ 144 3
🥉The Shadowblade D.N.F.

We also decided to do a little race of the Pico-8 version of Celeste, which Jen won.

🏃 ⏱️ 💀 🍓
🥇Jen 5′11″ 29 4
🥈Caoimhe 7′50″ 57 1


Finally, this year’s one took place on New Year’s Day. Jen had a clear lead from the start and has gotten very close to the one-hour mark, just three minutes short of it. I came in second, doing a bit worse than last year, which shouldn’t be a surprise considering an hour before the race I posted about how worn down, tired and sore I was. The Shadowblade finished this time, coming in at just over an hour and a half.

We were also joined by our friend Stella who had never played Celeste before but decided to join in on the race. After the rest of us had finished Jen said if that Stella actually finished she would forfeit her victory to her and shockingly Stella actually did. She finished the game in one sitting in just over ten hours with closing in on four thousand deaths and nine strawberries.

Jen insists that I should record Stella as the winner, but I am a petty bitch and I never said that I was going to forfeit. If she wants to fine but if I she does I’m saying that makes me the winner.

🏃 ⏱️ 💀 🍓
🥇Jen 1°03′38.846″ 75 1
🥈Caoimhe 1°22′37.421″ 190 0
🥉The Shadowblade 1°31′51.536″ 275 0
🏅Stella 10°06′38.428″ 3839 9


Maybe next year we will come in under the one-hour mark?

  1. Strawberries are optional collectables throughout the game. They don’t mean anything for the race but the game records how many you collect so I’ve included them for the runs that we recorded that information for. 

  2. A challenge for completing chapters in zero deaths for a game where an average number of deaths per playthrough is in the thousands. 


I lost and gained people I love in 2024. The year started off well. I won a Celeste race that myself and some friends do every New Year’s. I chosted a roundup of every film I had watched in 2023 to Cohost. I don’t think that I’m going to do that again this year. I don’t have the energy for it. I’ve been dealing with back pain issues for a while that are stopping me sleeping well.

In February I replaced my memory foam mattress with a spring one and it seemed to help for a while but then the pain came back. This repeated throughout the year with me finding things that seemed to give a temporary reprieve, only for me to start waking up in pain again. It’s not as bad as it was but I am still struggling with it. I am going to try going back to a physio again. I was not happy with the last one and when he moved his practise I did not feel very motivated to find a new one, but a friend recommended their physio to me over the holidays and I’ll give it another go.

Also in February my partner moved to Copenhagen. I knew it was coming, this had been planned for a long time, but when it actually happened it hit me very hard. She visited in the summer and I flew out to Copenhagen with some our friends in October too, but I want to make an effort to see her more, even if I do find travelling very draining.

Also also in February I dropped my phone in the toilet. It’s a Fairphone and designed to be able to be taken apart easily with just a screwdriver to swap parts, so it’s not very waterproof, and the screen stopped displaying anything. Thankfully disassembling it and drying it out thoroughly brought the screen back to life, but even if it hadn’t I would have been able to replace the screen.

In March I got a fancy folding, electric bike. I have not used it quite as much as I planned, especially over the winter when it has been cold and I have been struggling with lack of energy, but it has been very handy for certain journeys that public transport doesn’t adequately cover. I also experimented a bit with being horny on main with Cohost. It has really been the only place online where I felt safe and comfortable enough to do that. Part of that is just over getting more comfortable with myself and kink stuff, but Cohost was just a friendly place for me and I was inspired by other people I followed sharing their own kinks in very cute ways. Cohost shutting down has been upsetting for a lot of reasons but this is one of them and it’s hard to get comfortable about this stuff again in other contexts.

April was a huge month in retrospect. A friend asked me out and tentatively said yes, not really sure how it was going to go and I’ve never done polyamory before. I am so glad that she did. I love her so much. Both of my partners are autistic and A.D.D. or A.D.H.D. and getting to know them and how wonderful, funny and utterly charming they are has helped me explore those parts of myself and see them as something to embrace. I’ve been learning to love myself through loving them. I am still undiagnosed but I am pretty sure.

And me being undiagnosed is not for lack of trying. Also in April was my first appointment at a local public mental health unit that I had been referred to over a year prior for an A.D.H.D. assessment. I calmly explained how much I struggle day to day and what I have to do to cope with it, which the doctor seemed to take as me managing pretty well. I realised from this conversation that doctors are basically just like dogs: They don’t really understand what you’re saying they just hear tone and maybe a few basic keywords. The health service is a paternalistic, condescending trap and you need to ritually humiliate yourself to them until they deign you worthy enough of the charity they so magnanimously bestow. I dropped the masks, let myself unravel and started sobbing in front of them.

This got me another appointment. They wanted to dig into my childhood, interview my mother. Quite frankly I don’t give a shit if I had A.D.H.D. as a child. Requiring that as part of diagnosis seems utterly pointless. I do not have a time machine with which to go back several decades to when that might matter. I am struggling now. That interview never happened, anyway. Appointments got delayed, doctors were busy. I got given a multiple choice form to fill out about my childhood again, some of which asked multiple questions as a single item which don’t necessarily have the same answer. Was I a good student and did I do well in tests? No, I was an awful student who ignored her teachers whenever I could get away with it and just read ahead in the book myself because I found that more interesting and I did will exams. I struggled massively in university when I finally hit a wall of subject matter that did not come easily to me as I had never learned how to study properly.

I of course got fucked around for another few months before being finally told I have A.D.H.D. and they are not going to treat it. I guess I’m functioning too well, though I don’t have any of the specific reasoning because the doctor who told me this was one I had never seen before and was just paraphrasing a letter that she refused to give me a copy of. I am still waiting on the results of a Freedom of Information Act request for my documents from these appointments that is almost two months overdue.

I started singling lessons in April but I failed to keep going with them. That’s far from the only thing I have failed to keep at since then. I’ve been struggling a lot as the year has worn on. I hope I can get back to the energy and spoons I seemed to have last spring again in the coming months. Going back over my diary for the year it’s a stark reminder of how much things were looking up then. April was also the last time I saw my friend Hellen. She had moved away and was around for a visit. I had a lovely time with her. I didn’t speak to her much after that and she died suddenly in August. I did not make it to the funeral, it was overseas, but some other friends did at least. Back here we had a memorial picnic for her.

Before that the summer was pretty damn good, though. Got closer to the new partner, got to see the old partner. I tried ritalin that was given to me—by a friend, not a doctor—and wow that does certainly help a lot. I wish it was possible to actually get treatment through the medical system. Oh well! I rationed them for bad days and they helped me get through a lot of shit. I also marched in a pride parade for the first time. I also met some kink people in person who were lovely.

Well. They were certainly lovely at the time. In August I learnt that one of the people I had met there had be accused of repeatedly spiking drinks at other events. Hellen died, as established, and then in September it was announced that Cohost was shutting down. I hope it doesn’t come across as callous when brought up in the same breath as my actual friend dying, but I also have grieved for that website. I was devastated. Cohost helped me a lot in this last year to embrace more parts of myself, be more open about certain things and it was also just a place that was actually fun and a bright spot in my life. I wouldn’t be posting on my own site if it wasn’t for it. It sparked creativity in a lot of people and reminded us that we can be thoughtful of how we use the internet and communicate with people. This site existing in its current form is because of Cohost.

I visited Copenhagen in October with some friends. I had a lovely time but I find travelling exhausting. I think I was a bit run down afterwards and got sick a few times. I might still be recovering from it all. My cat also got out and was missing for a few days, which didn’t help, and coming up to the Christmas holidays I had the most stressful time I’ve had in my current job. I’ve had two weeks’ holidays and I feel like it really wasn’t enough.

I did have a lovely Christmas with my newer partner, though. We had Christmas dinner with a group of other local trans people, played Mario Kart and watched Doctor Who. Ideal Christmas.

And now. I guess I still need to recover and heal. As I’m writing this my back pain is flaring up again. I need to get up and do some stretches before this year’s Celeste race this evening. We’ll see if I can keep my crown. I haven’t done much practising but I don’t think anyone else has either. It’s just a bit of fun.


I made some updates to the site yesterday, including a smaller feed at /beag.atom1 that only includes posts I write for this site itself, not the ones copied from my Letterboxd, Serializd, Backloggd or Fediverse accounts or things that I repost. Update: It will still include reposts.

I also added some art to the Transy page by Kate Barrett that I had forgotten to.

Otherwise it was mostly some layout and styling tweaks and fixes. Text in dark mode should be a bit brighter now, there’s custom text selection colours and on the homepage there’s one new 88×31 pixel button and an infobox telling you to install an adblocker if you don’t have one.

  1. Beag is Irish for “small”. 

Film poster.

I think this was good but it seemed like it was smoothing out almost all of the edges from the original book in lots of different ways and also I took an edible that was far too strong and ended up in mind prison ten thousand years for the second half so I might need to rewatch it.


Doing another one of these. I still intend on doing rebogs as well and I’ve added some more styling to make reposts stand out from my own words and make a more clear divide between them.

History and science fiction

On Bread and Circuses — Bret C. Devereaux

Devereaux digs into the origin of the phrase “bread and circuses”.

So the surface reading seems clear: he is putting the Roman people on blast for letting their authority over public affairs be taken away, usurped by emperors who promise them bread and circuses (we’ll come to if this is an accurate representation of the history in a moment). They used to have all of this power, the power to bestow offices and armies, but now they cower fecklessly in the wake of imperial slaughter and arbitrary rule.

Except, of course – wait a minute – isn’t the theme of this passage that power is an unwise thing to ask for? The theme of the whole poem is that you shouldn’t be asking the gods for these sorts of things!

The Problem with Sci-Fi Body Armor — Bret C. Devereaux

Also from Devereaux.

Instead, where real armors evolve against threats, fictional armors evolve as a visual language, borrowing the design elements of other fictional armors far more often than they dip into their own historical exemplars, with the result that the whole thing sort of devours itself.

Fiction referencing exclusively other works for fiction rather than looking to the world is something I think about as well from time to time.

Book Review: War with the Newts — Nathan Goldwag

Goldwag reviews a book from the man who coined the word “robot”.

The novel starts with Captain van Toch, a Czech sea-captain in the service of a Dutch trading company, stumbling upon an isolated community of giant amphibians in the Dutch East Indies, living on a single tiny island, their numbers culled constantly by sharks. Van Toch realizes that they’re trainable, and extremely intelligent, and has the idea to plant colonies of them across the Pacific to work as pearl divers. After his death, the Pacific Export Company transitions from luxury goods to mass labor, selling newts across the world as an undersea work force capable of hydraulic and maritime engineering, which results in Newts settling most of the world’s coastlines and becoming an integral part of the global economy. “So now we find the salamanders on the road to their finest flowering; but the human world, too, is enjoying unprecedented prosperity. New continental coasts are being feverishly constructed, new dry land is emerging from where shallows used to be; artificial air support islands are springing up in the middle of the ocean.” (Newts, pg. 165). For all the absurdity, however, Čapek treats his topic seriously. We’re given footnotes, citations, discussions of legal dilemmas and cultural disputes, discourse on the economic impact of newt labor and how it affected different nations and groups, taxonomies on newt evolution and biology. It doesn’t feel like a cheap trick or a gimmick because it’s all done with such care.


Degendering and Regendering — Talia Bhatt

In short, to acknowledge transmasculinity, a society would have to first admit that manhood—just like womanhood—is a social class and not a ‘natural’ category. Its people would have to acknowledge that the desire for independence and self-actualization exists within all of us and is not, in fact, stored in the balls.

My Doctor Emailed Me Back — Abigail Thorn in Trans Writes

Thorn outlines very well the fundamental ideological problems in the N.H.S. and how trans healthcare is handled that I think apply very well to the H.S.E. here in Ireland as well.

There are even more serious charges. The coroners’ reports into the deaths of Sophie Williams and Alice Litman said lack of gender affirming care contributed to their deaths. That is to say, it is a matter of publicly recorded fact that the NHS’ failure to provide gender affirming care has contributed to the deaths of patients. Nobody at NHS England has resigned or faced consequences.

Of course panic, misinformation, and mistrust take hold in these conditions! Of course people come to believe the NHS are making secret plots behind closed doors! These conditions are entirely of the NHS’ own making. Slapping a famous trans person’s face on a new outreach program does nothing to address them. As I told Colonel Korn, if the NHS wants to increase trust they should start by apologising.

But the Colonel expressed his bind to me the same way every other NHS senior official I’ve spoken to has. The Department of Health and Social Care tells the NHS how they have to spend their money. The mandate they get from the Health Secretary tells them what services they have to commission: if it says “Ten more transplant wards,” they need ten more transplant wards, and that’s that. If it says “Spend £90m pathologizing trans people,” that’s what he has to do.

This point bears underlining: every single person I have spoken to in the NHS- from local GPs to the National bosses- told me they are powerless. There is nobody at any level of the organisation who takes responsibility for the state the service is in and the suffering it is causing. Every single person blames the person above them, even the man at the top.


Hitachi Hacking, part two! — Kore

Followup from the first of these posts.

In my last post, I succesfully made a bluetooth/wifi Magic Wand Plus. Unfortunately, though, I completely bypassed the original Hitachi board, which happens to be where all the buttons and LEDs are attached, so it was only usable remotely. To make the physical controls work again, I could either make my own copy of the Hitachi’s board, with buttons and LEDs in the same places, or somehow reprogram the original board and make it do my bidding.

The first option requires a lot of measuring, which I find really annoying to do. So, let’s hack the Hitachi’s microcontroller!

React, Electron, and LLMs have a common purpose: the labour arbitrage theory of dev tool popularity — Baldur Bjarnason

I love economic forces.

MongoDB’s popularity among managers during its peak was largely down to the idea that you no longer needed a database expert. Just throw the data into the document DB puddle and let your existing less-specialised developers handle it. The promise of the document database during the peak of their hype was that you didn’t need to employ as many specialists.

Electron, PhoneGap, and React Native promised to let companies replace their expensive platform specialists with more commodified generalists.

Standardisation in web development lowers costs, increases predictability, and makes the various browsers more interchangeable. It’s a hedge that reduces the individual market power of each browser, but usually in equal degree while increasing the value of the overall web, leaving each browser vendor better off as a result. Their market share might not increase but they have a bigger cut of a larger pie. Incompatibility tends to drive developers and companies to other platforms, reducing the overall pie.

Standardisation of labour, conversely, does not benefit labour.

Open source maintainers are drowning in junk bug reports written by AI — Thomas Claburn in The Register

Everybody hates A.I! Here’s another reason to.

Whatever happens to Python or pip is likely to eventually happen to more projects or more frequently. I am concerned mostly about maintainers that are handling this in isolation. If they don't know that AI-generated reports are commonplace, they might not be able to recognize what's happening before wasting tons of time on a false report. Wasting precious volunteer time doing something you don't love and in the end for nothing is the surest way to burn out maintainers or drive them away from security work.

Seth Larson

Palette swaps — Mabbees

Seeing as I dusted off Pico-8 again recently here’s a little post about doing palette swaps in it.

The concept of a palette swap is drawing something with a different set of colors. It’s a good way to get more mileage out of your PICO-8 sprites. There are a bunch of things you can do with palette swapping

  • create variations on a character
  • make simple looping animations
  • fade in or out of a scene
  • simulate day/night cycles

But what does this mean for us as programmers? How do we represent the concept in code?

Scrapers I block (and allow), with explanations — Seirdy

Technical website bullshit, but something I’ve been meaning to look at setting up for this site too.

Bots I block fall into one of the following categories:

  • Bots that only serve to power adtech on other sites. My site has no ads, but I allow bots such as Google’s AdsBot.
  • Intellectual property snitches. I forbid robots that scan for plagiarism, trademark/copyright violations, brand protection, etc.
  • Robots that power invasive background checks that border on cyberstalking.
  • Scrapers that build datasets to train Generative AI (GenAI), such as large language models (LLMs). I don’t block search clients used by GenAI research assistants; I only block scrapers used to train GenAI models.

Everything else

Saying Gaelic / Gaeilic is ok

I used to be one of the people who “corrected” people about the word Gaelic. I am sorry.

The Irish Language was referred to as both Gaelic and Irish until the Republic was formed. “Irish” was mainly used by academics; “Gaelic” was used by the common people.

The Republic chose “Irish” over “Gaelic” for political/nationalistic reasons.

Pornhub Sees Surge of Interest in Tradwife Content, ‘Modesty,’ and Mindfulness — Samantha Cole in 404 Media

Dahl started an Instagram account in 2023 that parodied tradwife content creators, after her own account was banned by the platform multiple times. Tradwife content (short for “traditional wife) is fetish content, even if the “wife” isn’t showing skin. It’s a fantasy, and always has been, even when it was used to sell ovens to 1960s homemakers.

Laziness Does Not Exist — Devon Price

Kim is the person who taught me that judging a homeless person for wanting to buy alcohol or cigarettes is utter folly. When you’re homeless, the nights are cold, the world is unfriendly, and everything is painfully uncomfortable. Whether you’re sleeping under a bridge, in a tent, or at a shelter, it’s hard to rest easy. You are likely to have injuries or chronic conditions that bother you persistently, and little access to medical care to deal with it. You probably don’t have much healthy food.

In that chronically uncomfortable, over-stimulating context, needing a drink or some cigarettes makes fucking sense. As Kim explained to me, if you’re laying out in the freezing cold, drinking some alcohol may be the only way to warm up and get to sleep. If you’re under-nourished, a few smokes may be the only thing that kills the hunger pangs. And if you’re dealing with all this while also fighting an addiction, then yes, sometimes you just need to score whatever will make the withdrawal symptoms go away, so you can survive.

Playing Both Sides — Mike Egan

A cute story about Star Wars: Battlefront.

But it wasn’t just that it was super difficult and took a long time. The hilarious part of all of this is that the fact that there was still a battle going on outside meant that the number one reason we didn’t get to destroy the shield bunker was that the match had ended. The AI armies we were ignoring went on fighting their war and reached a conclusion before we were able to deal enough damage to the damn thing.

Show poster.

I am glad a show like this exists and I really enjoyed watching the first series with my partner and seeing the relationship between the boys develop and them figuring themselves out, but felt it had diminishing returns as it went on and the way it handled different issues often felt a bit samey and part of the style and soft tone seems to involve not letting the characters emote too strongly in places where I think the show would have really benefited from it.

Show poster.

This is an exceptionally pretty show. I will give it that. But it failed to grab me at any point. It feels like it is expecting you to come in invested in these characters already. It does very little to establish them or get you to like them at all before all the bad stuff starts happening that you are clearly meant to care about but I never really did. I found it hard to get a grasp on them or why they are making the decisions they are either.

I had hoped maybe the second series could improve on the first but it doubles down on every single bad impulse. It piles one more characters with the barest hint of motivation for any of them and everyone continues to make sudden, inexplicable shifts in motivation and alliance and the consequences of what anyone is doing is constantly vague. At one point a character trails off while saying “If he gets to the hexgate…” and I begged out loud for him to finish that sentence because I had no idea what the results of that would be.

Action also stops bothering being in any way coherent in the second series, with the show more concerned with making music videos than maintaining any sense of space or physical reality in most fights.

Show poster.

Lovely mix of silliness, heartfulness and fun scifi plotting that one would expect from Moffat. I love the wee lesbian though I am surprised that she wasn’t more central to the episode and Anita obviously hits it out of the park with the surprise mini episode she got to be co-star of in the middle of this one.

The weak link, which I felt as a recurring issue with the last series, is a resolution that is fairly thinly justified and in this case also feels like reheated leftovers from Boom, which itself felt like it was relying on established tropes from previous Moffat stories to fill in the gaps. Like the ending is a photocopy of a photocopy of a person’s consciousness uploaded into a computer to exist in some sort of cyberspace afterlife.

Film poster.

The idea of running the Santa operation like a hyper-competent thriller spy agency is cute (if you don’t think about it too much). I was worried that the movie would have that as basically its only joke but it’s allowed to fade into the background without constant lampshade hanging or winking at the camera over it.

I was similarly worried that Arthur’s steadfast belief in the true spirit of Christmas would be a bit overbearing but his earnestness is cute without going totally overboard and the egos and cynicism of the other Santas have a groundedness that ties the silly antics into a plot that manages to feel real and touching despite my own inherit cynicism to stories about Christmas.

Film poster.

I believe that I watched this last year as part of a movie night thing and trashed it. I was feeling extremely cynical about it and just couldn’t get over the idea of someone who talks about getting rid of the “surplus population” being so easily convinced towards being the most generous man in the world (and even at the end of the movie he still indulges in playing with the power he holds over the Cratchits before being nice to them).

This year I watched it with my partner who is a bit more into sentimental Christmas movies than I am and let the politics melt aside to enjoy it and had a genuinely lovely time. I don’t think I need to sing the praises too much, that the puppetry is great and that Michael Caine’s Scrooge being a perfect foil for it is a given. The songs are fun and yes of course I cried at Tiny Tim dying.

But to put on my cynic hat one last time the framing device with Rizzo and Gonzo could really be cut it consistently fails to be funny.

Film poster.

This film could maybe be salvaged but cutting out twenty minutes of Jim Carrey’s screentime and all the tone-ruining pop culture reference-based quips. That would remove most of the humour but also there is only one joke in the entire film that made me laugh so it wouldn’t be much of a loss.

That said, the dialogue and editing of this movie is already jarring enough as it is. Conversations do not flow at all, people spout things that have little relation to what was just said or have extended gag reactions that kill the pace of conversation before just being completely ignored. Actually, cutting those would probably also help.

The exception to this is when Jim Carrey is acting off Jim Carrey, which they seem to have put remarkably more effort into making feel natural and flowing with the characters interacting, hugging and playing off each other in a way that really sells physical presence despite it being the same guy twice, something that is not extended as much to the CGI animal characters who will very often not appear in frame with the people they are talking to at all. It’s a kind of maddening how much it feels like so much more effort was put into Jim Carrey sucking himself off.

On the bright side, more than the previous films we do get just Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Shadow amongst themselves without having to have human characters around and that broadly works! I could have done with, again, less pop culture quips from Sonic and less generic Klingon from Knuckles but these characters are generally fun, they look good, and the action is often cool. This part of the movie actually works and Shadow’s storyline, simple as it is, hits, and the choices made to make Shadow and Sonic parallel each other more works quite well.

The climax would have been pretty great if we could have stayed with it for longer than thirty seconds of a Live & Learn riff at at time before cutting back to Jim Carrey playing generic Jim Carrey character talking to generic Jim Carrey character for several minutes, alas!

Hopefully if they make another one Carrey will not come back out of retirement again.

older people love to complain about how “no one” was autistic back when they were growing up but never consider the obvious fact that Sonic the Hedgehog hadn’t been invented yet


Because I like to keep my ebook library organised and American comics are a mess when it comes to sensible making a series straightforward to follow I have been maintaining my own reading order for the IDW Sonic the Hedgehog comics for a while. I have intended to add this to my site for a white and the current Sonic comic Humble Bundle seemed a good excuse to finally do it.

You can find it here.

I intend to keep this as a live document that I update as new issues come out and have it as something that I can point to people when I try to convince them to read it and they don’t know where to start. If you want to start from the beginning that Humble Bundle has the first eight volumes for €12.38 and for €1 it has Scrapnik Island which is a great self-contained story to get a taste of the series with.

Sonic and Tails discover the remains crashed and ruined Death Egg, bathed in a sickly and eerie green light in a storm. Sonic hides from Mecha Sonic in a prison capsule, everything is dark and desaturated except when bathed in the orange light of Mecha Sonic’s gaze.
Scrapnik Island has gorgeous colouring by Nathalie Fourdraine.

If you looked at my reading order you might have noticed I had the Tangle & Whisper miniseries in the middle of the eight volumes offered in the bundle but rest assured that they are perfectly understandable without it. It’s not until further along in the series that the story of that miniseries is really built on more.

Game poster.

This is the skeleton of a functioning Sonic the Hedgehog game under this that you can sometimes catch a fleeting glimpse of before the mess of bad decisions piled on top of it re-asserts itself.

The addition of weapons is not inherently a bad thing, I enjoy the Gamma stages in Sonic Adventure, and having auto-lockon guns to blast stuff with as you run through a level is fun, and the way the rage mode gives you infinite ammo that lets you keep firing as long as you can destroy enough to keep your meter filled can be a cute little balancing act sometimes.

The weapons that don’t lock on are borderline unusable, though. Aiming is difficult at the best of times with these controls and rockets seem to have a habit of going straight through enemies and hitting a wall behind them and mêlée weapons are not something that works in conjunction with contact damage and knockback on hit. There is a reason that Freedom Planet excised those things from the basic formula.

But those are petty and mostly avoidable problems compared to the mission system. The Reloaded mod tries to smooth out some of the tedium but it does not solve the fundamental problems with it.

The levels are largely designed like Sonic the Hedgehog levels (and are often pretty fun when played like ones) with a linear structure but with some branching paths and shortcuts, shortcuts that you absolutely cannot use if you are trying to do missions because you will skip over a bunch of the sixty fucking individual soldiers you need to kill in order to do the dark mission so you can explore more branches of the story than the neutral pathway.

Absolutely no consideration seems to have been made for the mission system and branching story structure. The chaos control power is entirely useless to you if you are doing any mission other than the neutral one as it will simply skip you past your objectives. You must disengage with much of the games mechanics and rewards systems in order to experience more than half of the game.

The branching story structure that this is in service of doesn’t seem to have any consideration put into it at all either. The same cutscene will often play at the end of a level regardless of which mission you did, the CIA mainframe will be hacked regardless of if you did that mission or not, the events of any previous level are never mentioned because they all just exist in complete isolation and make no reference to anything that came before. Every character will act surprised that you are not doing what they say at all times regardless of if you have spent the entire playthrough so far ignoring them.

The path where you only do hero missions is really emblematic of this. Black Doom will continue giving orders that he apparently expects Shadow to obey till the end, despite Shadow not having listened to him once. But Shadow himself is similarly ridiculous on this path, which contains the infamous line “This is like taking candy from a baby, which is fine by me!” On the path where you only do the good missions! This path also has you fight the Black Bull boss twice. Surely it should have been obvious that this would be a path that many if not most players would end up doing and that it shouldn’t have the same boss fight twice on it.

Another path that stood out to me is the neutral path, which alternates level themes between ancient ruins and overgrown jungle tech base which made it feel like you were going backwards repeatedly with Glyphic Canyon, Prison Island, Sky Troops and then Iron Jungle. It really gives the impression that levels were made and then just randomly distributed between the different story paths without any thought whatsoever.

And of course the structure of this requires you to replay the same levels over and over in order to explore branches that you haven’t done yet. The Reloaded mod at least allowed me to to have to play Westopolis ten times just to unlock Last Story but the five times I had to play it to be able to at least play every level once was still far too much.

And it’s all stills sometimes actually quite fun. It’s very frustrating to have this core game that is enjoyable but with a mountain of shit piled on top of it that consistently gets in the way of satisfaction.

Expert mode almost fixes these problems, simply offering the levels one after the other, mostly just letting you play them by getting to the end without having to worry about missions, but then throws in some blatantly unfair changes to some levels on top of removing continues entirely.

Overall I still somehow feel positively about this game but I am not going to go back to it any time soon.


Hello! It’s time for me to be normal about Sonic the Hedgehog again. I have been thinking about the Death Egg Robot’s name.

Some background: The final level of Sonic 2 takes place aboard the Death Egg, an Eggman-themed parody of the Death Star. The final boss is a mech modelled after Robotnik himself.

This mech is not named in game but when it was reimagined as the first bossfight of Sonic Generations it was given a not terribly imaginative title: Death Egg Robot.

Sonic 2 final boss
Death Egg Robot.

I don’t like this name and I grew to like it even less as this design got reused in future games and continued to be called “Death Egg Robot” even when it is completely divorced from the context of the Death Egg. It’s the first boss in Green Hill Zone in Sonic Mania and then there are the mass-produced, unmanned, cycloptic Death Egg Robots in Sonic Forces also without any apparent connection to the Death Egg1.

Sonic Forces
Death Egg Robots.

What got me thinking about this again? The other day I was doing the dishes while listening to a four hour playlist called Epic & Cool Sonic Music Compilation, as is my wont, when the track Battle with Death Queen came on.

The Death Queen is a giant Buzz Bomber, a huge bee robot. The game also features a giant crab robot chase sequence that is identified in the soundtrack as Death Crab.

And it occurred to me: Is the game trying to push “Death” as a general term for a class of giant robots? Is it rebracketing Death Egg Robot as Death Egg Robot?

Perhaps we are meant to take it that, in-universe, it is in fact just the giant, or “Death”, version of an Egg Robo. There area lot of similarities between the two. The spelling is slightly different in English but in Japanese they are both エッグ(eggu)ロボ(robo).

Sonic & Knuckles intro
Death Egg Robot.

The Death Egg Robot debuted one game before the Egg Robos, but we could imagine that perhaps in-universe the Egg Robos were around first, just offscreen somewhere. Maybe Eggman is annoyed that Sonic and Tails associate the Death Egg Robot with the Death Egg at all. That’s just yolk folk etymology!

That said, I don’t know how to fit the final boss of Sonic Forces into this framework, which is inexplicably also called Death Egg Robot despite bearing almost no resemblance to the other Death Egg Robots and also having nothing to do with the Death Egg.

Sonic Forces final boss phase 2
Death Egg Robot?

And then the real final boss, a giant robot chestburster that smashes its way out of previous phase of the bossfight is also inexplicably titled Death Egg Robot.

Sonic Forces final boss phase 3
Death Egg Robot???

I don’t know how to fit this into any understanding of what Death Egg Robot is meant to mean.

  1. The Death Egg does appear in Sonic Forces but the Death Egg Robots are not on it and no connection is made between the two. 


Yesterday I took part the Cork Game Jam which was the first in-person game jam I’ve taken part in and my first time diving back into game programming in a few months and Pico-8 programming in a few years.

The theme—“myth”—was announced at ten and the pizza arrived for the after party at around four, which gave me about six hours to derust and bang something out. It was exhausting and stressful but also a lot of fun. Here’s the result:

Control with , and

The theme being myth immediately reminded me of an idea I had years ago based on the Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the oldest pieces of literature that we have a record of. There exists no complete copy of it. What we have of it is an amalgam of fragments from various damaged cuneiform tablets.

My concept is an adaptation of Gilgamesh, probably a sidescrolling action platformer, that uses the aesthetics of corrupted data to fill in for the missing sections of text. Within the six hour window I managed to get a sample of that core idea implemented, though admittedly little else.

So that I wouldn’t have to do everything from scratch I used Matthew Hughson’s platformer starter kit as a base and started making modifications to the sprites and speed values to get more in line with my concept, using Castlevania sprites as a bit of a reference for the walk cycle initially.

I spent far too long getting an attack animation working before I realised I would probably not have time to implement any sort of combat. But its presence at least speaks to setting up an expectation of what the game might involve before you end up running into the faux-corrupted mess it actually is, or within the metafiction of the premise what the game once was before most of it was damaged and lost.

The other thing I added is, of course, the scrolling text taking up the top part of the screen, consisting of the start of the text of tablet 5 of the epic, taken from Maureen Gallery Kovacs’ translation. It starts out fairly normal and then getting more and more broken as it gets to the parts of the poem that are lost.

Within the code these are represented by lines of hashes. I wrote a text drawing function that, when it encounters a hash, draws random data from the spritesheet (from specifically selected sprites in it, not the entire thing) over it, mimicking the aesthetics of famous bugs such as glitch pokémon.

Ideally the progress of the broken text would correspond to the player discovering the broken nature of the game, but it just scrolls at a constant rate with a lot of normal text up front and there is not that much in the way of level so if a player simply walks to the right they will outpace it.

In a more full implementation of this idea the game could perhaps corrupt dynamically as parts of the text are reached, simulating live memory corruption. Or perhaps the scrolling text is a bit too much of a blunt instrument and should not be included in a more complete game.

That said, I think there is definitely potential for playing with some of the more evocative parts of the fragmented parts of the text.

The oft-quoted fragment of one of the works Sappho springs to mind:

μνάσεσθαί τινά φαῖμι
καὶ ἕτερον

someone will remember us
I say
even in another time.


Within a section of the text that made it into the jam game is the sudden implicit violence of mention of various weapons, axes smeared with what is not said, followed simply by the word alone. I placed a long, blank pause before and after “alone” for effect.

…Suddenly the swords…,
and after the sheaths …,
the axes were smeared…
dagger and sword…
alone …
The Epic of Gilgamesh, tablet 5.

A segment shortly after features has some broken dialogue mentioning something in Humbaba’s belly, a throat and next, and Gilgamesh then saying “Humbaba’s face keeps changing!” which is begging for a scene involving the level’s tileset suddenly being replaced with disjointed meat level sprites as the boss becomes a horrible jumbled mess.

When you were still young I saw you but did not go over to you;
… you,… in my belly.
…,you have brought Gilgamesh into my presence,
… you stand.., an enemy, a stranger.
… Gilgamesh, throat and neck,
I would feed your flesh to the screeching vulture, the eagle, and
the vulture!"
Gilgamesh spoke to Enkidu, saying: "My Friend, Humbaba’s face keeps changing!

The Epic of Gilgamesh, tablet 5.

For what I actually managed to accomplish in the jam the only tricks I managed are the corrupted text and a short corridor level which becomes more visually broken as it goes along, but is completely static.

I made a pretty minimalist tileset for the background of six tiles with only two colours and tried my best to use them to give the impression of a forest, as per the epic narration.

I spent a while drawing these and then getting down trying to draw trees with them, though some of what I mapped out for the background ended up getting hidden by the tablet with the scrolling text, whoops.

As you cross the bridge you encounter a group tile in place of a bridge tile and above it a tree drawn in the same style as the first few background trees, but with the left and right side tiles swapped. Then and broken skull and a serpent implying some sort of non-functional boss mark the boundary for things really going wrong.

I still tried to keep to drawing similar tree shapes but with tiles swapped out to tiles from other parts of the spritesheet, including ones that only appear here, implying that some more game exists beyond what is implemented. Then the bridge itself corrupts and is replaced by corner ground tiles and then invisible but solid tiles as you walk into a screen of just skulls marking a little ending point.

I have expressed here some ideas for a larger game but I do not really have any plans to expand this out. It very much the kind of thing I might do eventually in a world where I had endless free time to work on every project idea I have, which is sadly not the world I live in, and it is far down the list and I only have very vague notions of how to expand this out into something bigger. It would probably not be done in Pico-8 as Pico-8’s size constraints and limited character count, not to mention tiny resolution, don’t make it ideal for games involving lots of text or expansive levels.

Film poster.

Damn this movie actually has colour in it. I thought that was illegal for Hollywood to still do. Genuinely I was predisposed to enjoy this film more simply for it not being allergic to saturation. And Mia Goth is phenomenal in it. I loved watching her acting throughout.

Show poster.

Silly little procedural with an arc plot of the very obviously made up as it goes along variety. It is always a bit fun to see what they’ll do next in this kind of show and unlike most of them it has Michael Emerson who is always a delight as a villain.

It does occasionally—Exorcism Part 2 in particular—slap you in the face with the fact that you are watching a procedural where the characters are working for an even more evil organisation than the police: The Catholic Church.

This review contains spoilers.Film poster.

A pretty boring slasher. It seems fairly critical of the police at first with the polices’ reaction to the murders to try and shut down any internal investigation and some vox pops showing the public’s complete lack of surprise of a serial killer in uniform but this is quickly dropped for a more standard story of our good cop taking the fall and having to clear his name.

The version I watched was not helped by the editing in of some additional scenes that were apparently filmed for a Japanese TV broadcast version of the movie that help to kill the pacing and spoil any mystery on top of being a jarring stepdown in direction and video resolution.

This review contains spoilers.Film poster.

I decided to watch this in between the second and third series of Chucky. The voodoo serial killer angle has been entirely expunged—which is not surprising for a film released in 2019—and instead Chucky is now a doll with artificial intelligence who is meant to learn as you play with him.

It initially seems like the film is going to do something with this. The first victim in the story is a Vietnamese man who commits suicide after being fired from his job assembling products for a giant American tech corporation named Kaslan. One might expect the movie to then frame the Kaslan Corporation as the ultimate villains of the story, but the Foxconn-inspired death is quickly forgotten and the only bearing this has on the rest of the film is that Chucky can magically control any and all electronics around him with his glowing E.T. finger, up to and including a self-driving car.

I don’t find A.I. Chucky very interesting. The original Chucky was never a particularly deep character but he is fun where robo-Chucky is just predictable. Every step of his journey from damaged, innocent doll to serial killer is fairly obvious in advance.

Also why did they make the doll look like James Woods.

Game poster.

Very fun dive into a bunch of absolute messes. Being divorced from the plot of the comic it’s based on means it’s quite self-contained but also that it gives a deeper view into a bunch of characters who don’t get as much time dedicated to them in the main work and it is impressive how the different story threads interweave and play off each other depending on the order you do them in and which paths you take.


How are people feeling about the way I have been reposting directly onto the site and RSS feed rather than doing roundup posts? Is it working well? Is it annoying or confusing? I don’t want to just turn this into a flood of reposts either so I might still do roundups as well. As ever I am figuring out what I’m doing as I go.

Neo Turf Masters' "next hole" screen, as recreated by me.

In the latest edition of my "What Else Is On?" link roundup, I mentioned that I finally played Big Tournament Golf, better known as Neo Turf Masters in North America, for the first time.

I'd seen it played on YouTube in various places over the years, but never actually put my own two hands on it. After watching the Remap crew play it on this year's Savepoint charity stream, and realizing it was a whopping $8 on Switch, I snapped it up.

I fell in love with the game's whole vibe pretty much immediately, from the dramatic anime intro, to the luscious soundtrack, to the classic, tinny arcade VO shouting "on the green!!"

One element that really grabbed ahold of my brain and refused to let go was the screen shown before each hole. It depicts a series of graphical representations of the topography of the next hole, along with some text informing the player of the simplest, most pressing information, shown over the chillest, most soothing retro arcade music imaginable.

The way each element flies in from opposite ends of the screen, scales-in from zero, and particularly the way the "Hole No. X" text writes-on and then grows an outline and a thick, opaque drop shadow really entranced me. To say nothing of the gradients! There's so much going on, and yet not very much at all. It's all so simple and juicy and perfect.

I had to try to recreate it. If not only as a fun motion design exercise, than also to exorcise it from my brain.

Here's the original, as created by the masters at SNK:

And here's my attempt at a recreation, with the same audio underneath:

The first thing you'll notice is that I wasn't able to find a close match for the "Hole No. X" font. Which is a shame, because that's a great font, but font-matching is tough, and try as I might, I wasn't able to find the original.

Failing that, I decided on something I thought carried a similar style and similar embellishments that looked fun to animate. I was a little quick and sloppy with the write-on animation, but I don't think it's noticeable in motion, and I'm happy with the result!

For the rest of the elements, it was tough to strike a balance between retro and modern. So much of what makes the original great is down to pixel art and the way it's being rendered. But since I'm not a pixel artist, I knew going in that my version would have a cleaner, more modern look, and I decided to mostly lean into that, and not force a faux-retro look with a ton of effects.

The only place I decided to go for a purposely retro look was in the background, which I posterized to give the gradient that banding effect you see in the original because the hardware couldn't create a seamless gradient. I love that look. It really ties everything together, and provides a solid foundation for the rest of the piece.

The hardest element was, of course, the largest: the big faux-3D rendering of the course in the middle of the screen. As these things go, I liked it more the more I saw it come together. Like its lower-res neighbor on the right, I just pulled in my reference layer, and went to town with the pen tool. From there, it was all about dialing in the right stroke width, getting the texture and shadow of the trees right, and finishing with effects on top.

I wasn't sure how to go about creating the gradient on the strip of extruded land at the bottom at first, but I eventually settled on just eyeballing a gradient fill with a bunch of points on it, and trying to position them where the light and shadows should fall.

This was the last thing I did, so I had all of the other elements in place, and had already pre-comped it so I could start playing around with effects and figuring out the final look. I worked on the gradient inside the pre-comp, so I was seeing it without the final effects applied at first. I wasn't sure about the way it looked, but when I backed out to the main comp and saw everything applied to the gradient, I had a genuine "oh shit" moment.

I had been thinking about posterizing this gradient to achieve the same banding as the background, and tie everything back to the retro aesthetic that way, but when I played around with it, I ended up liking this better! I'm really happy with the effect of that gradient.

All in all, this was a really fun exercise! Like all new projects, it taught me a little something new, and I had to push myself to figure out things I hadn't done before.

And I still absolutely adore what SNK achieved with this screen. I love how far back all the drop shadows are pushed, I love the smooth, linear motion of all the animations, and I love the way each element slowly fills out the screen one by one, with the three boxy elements leaving space for and framing the big, freeform shape of the course in the middle.

Finishing this project has me wanting to try tackling recreations of some other video game UI! Leave some of your faves in the comments, and maybe I'll give 'em a go!

You can find this piece and others on my Motion Design page.

I think one of the most powerful aspects of Robert W. Chambers's The King in Yellow, and one which sets it apart from a lot of later Weird Fiction about academics who become too invested in the world of the arcane, is the idea that there just isn't anything explainably wrong with the play. People know there's something wrong with it, especially once you get to the second act... but if you just looked at the text itself, you wouldn't find anything.

'No definite principles had been violated in those wicked pages, no doctrine promulgated, no convictions outraged. It could not be judged by any known standard, yet, although it was acknowledged that the supreme note of art had been struck in The King in Yellow, all felt that human nature could not bear the strain, nor thrive on words in which the essence of purest poison lurked.'

The Repairer of Reputations

Despite how central it is, I completely missed it on my first reading (mainly because I was young and grappling with a particularly bad printing of it which made the text really small). I only started to grasp it when I listened to the concept album The King in Yellow by experimental post-rock band "Ah Pook, the Destroyer".

This album is largely inspired by Chamber's work, using that premise - an idea that you can't see but can still cause genuine harm - to talk about the current political climate. Songs touch on a wide array of cults and conspiracies - from the modern-day antisemitic ramblings of Qanon and Lizard People conspiracies to the strong figureheads and interpersonal conflicts of cults like Heaven's Gate. They even find time to touch on the Time Cube somehow, all under the framework of the King in Yellow propagating harmful ideas and bringing about the New Age of Madness.

But it's not as simple as just looking at these people and calling them mad. Okay, sometimes it is that (best exemplified in the gospel stylings of "The Tribulation of Alex Jones"), but there are cases where the characters are presented with genuine empathy, such as in "The Road to Carcosa" where we hear about the life of a man who, through exposure to the Yellow Sign (which here is attached to Right-Wing conspiracy theories) ends up destroying his relationship with his family. The singer gets a moment of lucidity in the refrain "The fall of my life came after; And all of my mind was scattered", though this fades away as we hear the end of this story: Him living alone in a gun-filled squalor.

Another thing that elevates this album is how it turns it all back on the listener. There's obviously a specific audience of Left-leaning listeners a project like this would attract, and those people are very unlikely to also share the beliefs of the average Qanon-minded person, but (much like in the book) it constantly emphasises that the actual specific beliefs don't matter as much as the spread of ideas. This is most visible in the refrain heard throughout the album:

The fall you believe
Is not far as it seems
And the deep can not be so alive
The blithe poison meme
That you did not believe
But you saw and it entered your mind

Belief doesn't matter. Sheer exposure to these toxic ideas means that, in a way, you've already been harmed no matter what you take away from it. This idea is also present in the book, most directly in the story "The Yellow Sign".

In it, Mr. Scott is fully aware of the King in Yellow, but has actively tried to avoid its influence, partially due to the unfortunate fate of Hildred Castaigne (who featured in the story "The Repairer of Reputations" and at the very least wanted to do a monarchist coup of America that would place him as King - all after reading The King in Yellow). By all means, he should be doing the right thing - he has no interest in The King in Yellow and is actively avoiding the play... and it's not like anyone's staging it anymore, so he should be fine... and yet, after strange dreams, an erie watchman, and other bizarre events, he and his model, Tessie, are driven to read it. This is also a story the album quotes right at the start:

'Then, as I fell, I heard Tessie’s soft cry and her spirit fled: and even while falling I longed to follow her, for I knew that the King in Yellow had opened his tattered mantle and there was only God to cry to now.'

The Yellow Sign & Beautitudes

It's an idea I think is also evoked in the structure of the anthology. While the first 4 stories directly feature the King in Yellow in one way or another, the rest are tragic, sometimes supernatural romances with seemingly no connection to the title character, to the point where some reprints just do the first 4 and ignore the rest... though I feel it's deliberate when keeping this idea in mind. While the King is absent, Yellow is a recurring motif throughout the book, often emphasising death or danger, and reminding the reader of that titular presence. You have been exposed to the King in Yellow, and now your mind is his domain.

This review contains spoilers.Film poster.

At last we finally know the origin story of a woman who was invented two minutes before the end of a show for a cliffhanger that was never resolved 😌

The inciting incident of this movie is a petty disgraced noble extrajudicially massacring a fifteen men who wandered into a restricted area. To stem any potential backlash a false story of tiger attacks is spread.

Some of the deads’ countrymen come to investigate this just as, by sheer coincidence, a zombie tiger just happens to go on a rampage and kill a shitload of people.

When they finally kill the undead tiger, the world’s most sceptical man cuts open its stomach and finds nothing but rotten flesh inside it, not the remains of anything identifiable, even the two dozen men he has just seen it kill and declares that seeing as the bones of his friends aren’t present in its stomach then the monster tiger story is clearly bullshit.

The world’s most sceptical yet gullible man is then convinced it was actually this innocent group of people by an official telling him “Oh yeah the tiger was a lie but we found this conveniently identifiable box from a tribe you’re related to next the bodies I guess it was them” so they kill the entire village where they make those styles of boxes.

The only survivor of this massacre is a young girl who decides to become the Joker of zombies.

This review contains spoilers.

Show poster.

The first series of this show manages a steady escalation of both violence and camp as it starts to centre Chucky more and pull in various elements from the films, which is a thing the second series can’t really do a second time but it still manages to have a rising tide of ridiculousness throughout with its different versions of Chucky as well as the wonderful stuff focusing on Tiffany’s Jennifer Tilly facade falling apart. I also love G.G.


Translations area really interesting and fun. I’ve linked before to Twitch translating pokémon names into Welsh and something I’ve played at before is translating Sonic the Hedgehog character names into Irish.

It doesn’t come with quite the same punning potential as pokémon but the way Sonic character names tend to be ordinary nouns makes it interesting to try to translate, especially trying to capture the relationships between certain names or figuring out what to do with the weirder ones.

If the notes column is blank that means the name is just a straightforward calque of the name from English.

English name Irish name Notes
Sonic the Hedgehog Sonaċ an Ġráinneog  
Shadow the Hedgehog Scáṫaċ an Ġráinneog Shadowy. Also the name of the woman who trained Cú Ċulainn.
Silver the Hedgehog Soilseaċ an Ġráinneog Bright. Chosen to keep the hedgehog alliteration and rhyming going and works as a contrast to Scáṫaċ.1
Miles “Tails” Prower Myles “Eireabaill” na gCoileáinín The miles per hour pun doesn’t work in Irish so I changed it to a reference to Myles na gCopaleen. Roughly Myles “Tails” of the Little Puppies.
Knuckles the Echidna Ailt an Eicidneaċ  
Amy Rose Émí Rós A transliteration. Rós does means rose, though.
Rouge the Bat Deargaḋ an Ialtóg Rouge, but also blushing or glowing.
E-123 Omega É-123 Óimige  
Cream the Rabbit Uaċtar an Coinín  
Cheese the Chao Cáis an Nord Chao is obviously a word formed from removing the letter S from chaos. Anord is chaos (and ord is order) and I thought nord sounded better than anor and also that it would be fun than “an nord” would sound a lot like “anord”.
Blaze the Cat Lasraċ an Cat Flames/Flaming the Cat.
Big the Cat Láidir an Cat Strong the Cat. Chosen to keep the alliteration between Blaze and Big.
Honey the Cat Lim an Cat Mil is honey so I am spelling it backwards to keep the cat alliteration going even if that wasn’t actually present in her original name.
The Chaotix Detective Agency An Ġníoṁaireaċt Ḃleaċtaireaċta Anordúileax Anordúil means chaotic, ‑eaċ is a suffix which forms nouns with the sense of a person connected to the concept and I’ve subbed in an X like in the original name.
Charmy Bee Meallaċ Beaċ Charming
Vector the Crocodile Veicteoir an Crogall  
Espio the Chameleon Spiair an Caimileon Spiaire means spy and with the E cut off the end it’s pronounced like “spear” which is cool.
The Babylon Rogues Rógairí na Bablóine  
Jet the Hawk Scaird an Seaḃaċ  
Wave the Swallow Tonn an Ḟáinleog  
Storm the Albatross Stoirm an Albatras  
Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik Dr. Ivo “Uiḃeaċ” Robotnik I thought it would work to leave his real name untranslated. Uḃ is egg and ‑eaċ is our favourite noun-forming suffix (or uiḃeaċ can just mean ovate). Fearuḃ or Uḃḟear would be more straightforwardly Eggman but I think that sounds bad.
Metal Sonic Sonaċ Miotail  
Orbot Glóbat Globe + bot
Cubot Ciúbat Cube + bot
  1. It occurs to me just now that Scáṫaċ, Soilseaċ and Sonaċ could also work as translations of the three beam upgrades you get in Metroid Prime 2, considering that the Annihilator Beam is meant to be a sonic weapon. 


Recently, I decided to rewatch the 2015 movie Mad Max: Fury Road, for the first since 2018. I absolutely loved it when I saw it then, but I was curious if it holds up. Reader, it very much does. I think the extraordinary virtues of this movie have been extolled enough at this point–in my previous review, if nowhere else. It’s a stunningly well-constructed film, a two-hour action scene that is perfectly paced, perfectly established, and full of subtle, complex character development and simple, inescapable themes. It is a masterpiece of storytelling and filmmaking. But you already know all that!

So today, I’m going to talk a little about the potential historiography of Fury Road instead.

In this framing, I am choosing to accept the events of the movie as the accurate, God’s-Eye-View of the actual historical events that led to the Fall of Immortan Joe and the creation of what we may provisionally refer to as the Democratic People’s Republic of the Citadel. Presumably, however, in the post-literate society of the Wasteland, this history will be passed down in the form of oral tales, traditions, ballads, and chronicles, told over and over again, changing and evolving until they are finally written down, in the same fashion that the Homeric epic poems were not codified until approximately four centuries after the events they purport to relate took place. Centuries, perhaps millennia in the future, as civilization in Australia and the world rebuilds itself, scholars and academics will study this corpus of literature to try and understand the legends of the founding of their country. And I think they will be absolutely baffled by the existence of Max, and his role in them.

You see, I imagine that Furiosa will be a generally well-attested to quasi-historical figure. Many of the legends surrounding her will be dismissed as myth, but I think historians will accept that there was probably somebody named Imperator Furiosa who led the Revolution, overthrew the Old Regime and founded the new government, even if she perhaps did not ride a Golden War Rig out of the highways of Valhalla, and strangle Immortan Joe with a silver chain, etc. After all, somebody had to do it, and a major military leader turning on her superior and staging a coup d’etat makes as much sense as anything else. Furiosa also makes a lot of sense as a culture hero, somebody who can be credited with the transformation or establishment of their society. As a member of the Vuvalini, she represents an outside force that can be brought in to replace the previous set of values and ethics, but as a high-ranking member of Immortan Joe’s army, she shows that integration is possible for those who served the old regime. There isn’t a contradiction between those two roles, the historical and mythic. Gilgamesh is remembered today mostly for his eponymous epic, detailing his epic battles with monsters and journey to the Underworld, but he appears on the Sumerian King Lists, and may have been a real figure at one point. Or perhaps a better example would be King Arthur, whose entire modern mythos is clearly a much-later invention, but may well have been based on a historical Romano-British or Welsh war-leader who fought the invading Anglo-Saxons in the 5th or 6th centuries AD.

The point is, these are well-recognized tropes and patterns of myth and history, and I have no trouble believing that historians in the future will be able to recognize them. But what I suspect they will not understand is why halfway through most of the traditional ballads, this random guy named “Max” walks out of the Wasteland, helps overthrow Joe, and then vanishes from the historical record without explanation.

I like to imagine three schools of historical theory. The first we may call “The Interpolation School”. These scholars believe that “The Legend of Max” was a preexisting ballad with entirely separate provenance. Either intentionally or accidentally, some chronicler or balladeer confused the stories and inserted Max into the “Furiosa Cycle”. This is actually a relatively common phenomenon with folk music and folklore, as stories passed down through oral tradition mutate and change with each generation. An extreme example can be seen with the traditional English folk song “Matty Groves“, which eventually became the American ballad “Shady Grove“, a song which features virtually nothing in common with it anymore, or how with the Irish song “The Bantry Girls Lament“, about a young soldier sent to fight in the Peninsular War (1807-1814), which features references to the “Peelers“, the British police force first established by Sir Robert Peel in 1829.

Premier Furiosa of the Democratic People’s Republic of the Citadel

We can also look to the Matter of Britain, the great Arthurian story cycle. As mentioned above, these are stories that first first come from the Welsh and Celtic Briton sources, but as they are eventually increasingly told by French minstrels in the High Middle Ages, they increasingly come to focus on a new character, French knight Lancelot du Lac. If you read Le Morte d’Arthur, you can’t help but notice that the entire Grail Quest portion seems to have an entirely different viewpoint than the rest of the narrative. In Virgil’s Aeneid, his attempt to craft an epic national founding myth for Rome, he deliberately sought to tie his story and characters into the older Homeric Epics, borrowing from their prestige and reputation. And perhaps the most infamous example of this phenomenon is Biblical texts, and the long history of exegesis there. Later translators and transcribers interpolating their own additions is a perennial problem, especially in regards to Christian interpretations of older Jewish texts.

George Miller’s own take on the “cannon” of Mad Max certainly seems to fit into this lens. In a press conference for Fury Road he famously said:

All the films have no strict chronology. It’s probably after Thunderdome, but it’s an episode in the life of Max and this world. It’s basically an episode, and it’s us revisiting that world. I never wrote the story, any of the stories, with a chronological connection.

Where does Furiosa fit into the Mad Max timeline? George Miller says it doesn’t matter, Austen Goslin (Source)

This certainly lends credence to the idea of Max as a recurring folk hero, the protagonist of a cycle of songs and stories without clear historicity or connection. We can image him like Robin Hood, with a set number of “standard stories” that can be retold in any order; “Robin Hood Wins the Archery Contest”, “Robin Hood Meets Little John”, “Robin Hood Fights Sir Guy of Gisbourne”, “Robin Hood Rescues Maid Mariam”, etc. You’ve seen at least one of the movies, right? Likewise, we can imagine ballads like “Max the Patrolman“, “Max the Road Warrior“, “How Max Escaped Thunderdome“, etc, with his insertion into the “Furiosa Cycle” likely a way to spice up the story with a fan-favorite character.

However, I think that other academics would disagree. They don’t have access to the omniscient narration of the Maxiverse that we do, or knowledge of the “true” chronology. I imagine they would maintain that other Max legends–if they still exist–are in fact derivative of his role in “The Ballad of Fury Road”. It seems likely to me that some people would find the idea that their national foundation mythos was constructed from popular stories to be deeply unpalatable, in the way we might reject claims that Benjamin Franklin was a well-known trickster deity, inserted into the story of the American Revolution to help boost sales in France. We could refer to this school of thought as the “Max As Metaphor School”. They believe that Max is a constructed composite character, designed as a proxy for the great unwashed masses of the Wretched to give them a role in the story. In his quest for redemption, the original authors wanted their listeners to see that the Revolution required the services of all people, and that through cooperative service, we could regain our humanity.

Credence here might be lent by the structure of Fury Road–while Tom Hardy conveys an extraordinary amount of pathos and emotion through facial expressions and grunts, it might not be easy to communicate that nuance through orally-transmitted epic poems and ballads. It wouldn’t surprise me if later critics find Max to be a remarkably simple character, one without much motivation or story of his own, seemingly perfectly designed to serve as a foil for Furiosa. Myths are usually messier, with a lot more dangling bits and inexplicable detours. In the film’s final epigraph, we can see a moral here, as the story begins its journey from event to history to legend:

“Where must we go….

We who wander this wasteland, in search of our better selves?”

– The First History Man

Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

Wandering the wastelands of post-Apocalyptic Australia is here presented as also a spiritual wandering, a loss of essential humanity and self-worth. In Max’s journey from nameless wanderer, with no goal except survival, to a comrade and member of a group who fight for each other, someone willing to give up his own lifeblood to save Furiosa, we can see the narrative of how we too, the listener of the story, can redeem ourselves, can dedicate our life to something bigger, and find purpose beyond mere continuation, merely driving across the salt flats for a hundred and sixty days until you run out of food and gas. Max’s lack of nuance here is a feature, not a flaw, and his return to the masses of the Wretched at the end symbolic of his transmutation. Sometimes, you have to invent a national epic for your people, as with James Macpherson and his The Poems of Ossian (1761-1763), a compendium of supposedly ancient Celtic lore he claimed to have discovered–though it is now widely accepted that he wrote them himself in order to help popularize the Scottish cultural revival.

I suspect, however, that members of the Interpolation School would dismiss this as utter nonsense; a mountain of speculation and motivated reasoning, built upon no evidence whatsoever. To believe this school of thought, you would have to assign a level of intentionally to the Ancient Bards of the Wastelands that can be supported by almost no historical evidence, assigning the motivations of modern Citadelian nationalists backwards in time to people who likely would have no understanding of the context being ascribed to them, the classic sin of presentism. These two interpretations would dominate the academy, and most attempts at analyzing Max and his role in the Matter of the Wasteland would focus on one of these two lenses.

There is also a third school of thought, who maintain that Max was probably just some rando who wandered out of the Wasteland, helped stage the Revolution, and then wandered off again without telling anybody much more than his name. This, however, is a very disreputable theory, widely-regarded as absurdly naive, and all but the most scapegrace scholars hold it in contempt.

Max: The Myth, the Metaphor, the Man


One of the habits I had on Cohost was making some specific daily posts. I didn’t always get around to it, there were long stretches of times where I didn’t post any of these, but on my main account I liked to post a song of the day and I had a few side accounts too. One of them I posted intros to TV shows, games, movies etc. and another where I posted joke Sonic Heroes teams.

I don’t plan on continuing these but I have gone through the posts and made an archive of song of the day and intro posts in the form of Youtube playlists. I had to find alternatives to some videos that have been taken down or upload some myself that were not originally Youtube videos and they will continue to succumb to link rot but for the moment they are, I think, complete archives of what I posted.

They are also very long. The intros playlist is a little over nine hours and the song of the day one is technically over two days long but it includes a couple of joke ten hour videos and also an entire movie score but even discounting those it’s still almost twice as long as the intros playlist.

Due to the nature of Youtube playlists I can’t put warnings on the videos but some videos in both have some flashing lights and there’s at least one video in both that talks about or depicts suicide.

Also it looks like the embedded versions of the playlists below are limited to two hundred videos and some videos won’t play embedded so click through to Youtube for the full thing.


Song of the day

This review contains spoilers.Film poster.

I will admit that people with mental health issues being preyed on and disbelieved is a very natural progression from the previous film but this is a Hollywood horror movie so how people with mental health issues is handled is not good.

It does pull of neat tricks with keeping you guessing which doll is the real Chucky before undermining that that even matters at all, with the puzzling question of how Chucky gets from being a head in Andy Barclay’s safe into the asylum acting as a hint to that.

But other than providing that hint Andy is entirely superfluous to the story. You could lift everything involving him out of the movie and it would work fine and his presence just messes up the pacing, especially in the climax which seems to pause just to wrap up his part.

And now I am caught up with the TV show having gone through a series of seven films that struggle to rise above “okay”. I still enjoyed this and it will hopefully give context for whatever the show pulls in the second and third series. Glen[da] surely has to come into it at least.

Film poster.

The series pivots back to horror and actually does a decent job of it. In particular I keep turning the treatment of Nica over in my head. A part of the threat in the earlier films is Chucky targetting children who have very limited agency and whose concerns people do not take seriously and this movie replicates that with an adult through the sheer ableism that Nica faces from her family and the world, though there is a few plot contrivances to make it work and the way it ties her paraplegia into the series lore is a bit ridiculous.

The lore is also a bit of an elephant in the room. The movie felt almost like a soft reboot at the start before it starts to dump more and more of that in. This is something I kind of liked in the television series but that has a lot more room to let that seep in over time to allow the show to evolve, while here it feels more like it’s bulldozing an otherwise tight plot.

And if the series is going to keep bringing up previous stories so much it should probably try to actually have it make sense as a whole. The backstory stuff here does not feel like it fits with either the original movie or the other retconned versions of it.

Game poster.

The most important thing this game layers onto the Sonic the Hedgehog template is versatile movesets for each character that gives huge breath for improvisation and recovery, allowing more room for keeping the flow going as one glides through levels.

The tools each of the four characters are also very different from each other, each resulting in their own style of movement and their own challenges in different levels.

The movesets also result in fun, expressive combat. The game has thirty-two levels and all of them have bosses to fight (though some levels are just boss fights) and some of them are really gratifying to bang one’s head against a few times till finally getting how to read and dodge and counter them.

A few other tweaks from its erinaceous roots like lack of contact damage or knockback help to keep the pace of both the running and fights smooth even if you do fuck up a bit and make the whole thing extremely satisfying.

Finally, I'm doing a Real blog post about a specific thing. It's been a while since I did this. This was spurred on by a tweet on Twitter and Bluesky linked at the end. I just want to spread the word.

Persona Trinity Soul

First up is an anime spinoff of Persona 3 with this song, how most people learned about the lyrics. They start at 1:12:

Burning Men's Soul

Check it out I'm in the house like carpet And if there's too many heads in my blunt I won't spark it I'll put it in my pocket and save it like rocket fuel 'Til everybody's gone and it's cool Then I spark it up with my brother His momma named him Mo, but I call him Mo' Lover And he's more than a cover, he's a quilt We're putting shit together like that house that John built On the hill, 'cause this shit's gonna feel like velvet, turtle My style fits tighter than a girdle If ya hate it then you can just leavе it, like Beaver But in a day or two I'll makе you a true believer in me 'Cause like the alphabet you'll see That 'ism kicks a rhyme, not your everyday soliloquy Like Chef Boyardee, my rhyme is truly cookin' Peace to Matty Rich 'cause he's straight out of Brooklyn, New York I don't eat pork or swine when I dine I drink a cup of Kool-Aid, not a big glass of wine Or a Henn', Heine', if you have time I'll drop rhyme again

(taken from Genius)

You can see why it blew up a little on tumblr, and then on twitter. Strange lyrics for Persona music? No!

Sample CDs

It turns out that the lyrics come from a sample CD!

Masterbits CLIMAX 6 Rapsody (Vocals ll) - Swiny House

AuraOfANobody: "Like chef boyardee, my rhyme is truly cookin" stick it back in the oven it ain't fuckin done!!

So they just took it from here and dropped it in. But that would mean ANYONE could add the funny bars...

Other Uses

The meat of this post. Frustratingly I can't use WhoSampled for this since the sample CD isn't on there. So I'll have to find some manually.

I remember a tweet about how a mickey mouse game used the sample, and I'm pretty sure it was the point and click/adventure one. And I was right! Disney's Magical Mirror Starring Mickey Mouse, song starts at 29:27.

SiIvagunner made a rip of the song!

QuichePotatoes: This manages to sound better than both the advertised track and the punchline then again one is from a sample pack that's meant to be messed around with not just dropped in without any actual editing and the other was intended as a serious promotion for a product.

There's also this video link to a stream archive where they judge for a contest to use the sample in a song. I'm not watching all of that or vouching for them, just want to put it here for completness.

Toby Fox

So Toby Fox made a Bluesky account and is doing a bit to promote it. And as part of it, he became the latest sampler of House Like Carpet.

(bluesky mirror, also this song was actually uploaded earlier without vocals)

And this was what inspired this post.

Use it yourself

I've got nothing else. Here's the link to the sample cd, it's on track 7.


I’ve been testing how I want to handle rebogs on this site.

The previous post was rebogged entirely manually. I wrote a post in the normal format for Jekyll and defined metadata for the rebog information to link back to Freja’s website and display her avatar. Now I have to figure out how I want to streamline that process.

For posts syndicated from Letterboxd and such I have a setup where when I build the site there’s some code that checks those feeds and processes them into their own special folders that then get processed and added into the list of posts.

For rebogs though I think I’m going to do it differently and write a script, probably in Python, that I can run from my command line and give a link to a post that will attempt to parse the content of it then write it to a file directly into the same folder as my normal posts but with the extra metadata I’ve defined for for rebogs.


Continuing to crib from Natalie I have finally gotten around to trying out webmentions for this site.

I had bookmarked her posts on it and made notes and was going to get around to implementing it myself when I thought “hey I’m using Jekyll has a webmentions plugin already been made for Jekyll?” and the answer was of course it had. Adding it was very straightforward and hopefully it works out of the box.


This post includes plot details for Shadow Generations, Sonic Generations and Sonic Adventure 2

There is a part of Shadow Generations that I got unreasonably excited about, but it is going to take some explanation as to why.

There is a boss in Sonic Adventure 2 called Egg Golem. When you defeat it Sonic taunts it by saying “Nice try, rocky!” during the victory screen.

Also in Sonic Adventure 2, in a scene aboard the Space Colony ARK, Sonic the Hedgehog tries to fool Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik with a fake Chaos Emerald created by Miles “Tails” Prower, which Robotnik spots immediately.

These scenes don’t have much to do with each other, but in 2020 I watched videochess stream a Sonic Adventure 2 randomiser that not only randomises the levels and characters, but also all of the cutscenes, playing them in a random order and with every voice line for each character swapped with a random line of theirs from elsewhere in the game. The results are mostly nonsense but sometimes they line up in funny ways.

In particular a version of the fake Chaos Emerald cutscene plays where Robotnik says his line identifying the Chaos Emerald as fake early, to which Sonic responds by pulling out the emerald and saying “Nice try, rocky!”, apparently to the emerald itself. This resulted in several people watching, including myself, immediately declaring Rocky to be the name of the fake yellow Chaos Emerald. Eggman then tells Sonic to put Rocky down and back off.

Most of rest of the randomised dialogue is the usual ill-fitting nonsense, but the appropriate dialogue from Ivo with the Rocky line in the middle cemented this moment permanently in my mind. Rocky is my beautiful fake son and I want to protect him. And in Robotnik’s next line he insults Rocky and calls Rocky “sand” and says his machines hate Rocky and shoots my poor boy into space! It’s fucked up.

But Rocky does not have a large part in the Sonic series. The general idea of fake Chaos Emeralds gets revisited briefly in Sonic X where Sonic uses fake emeralds to turn into Dark Sonic and in the IDW comics Eggman tries to grow the “Eggperial City” using giant fake Chaos Emeralds. Also in the comics, specifically in Imposter Syndrome #2, a yellow gem that might be Rocky appears as a background detail on a shelf in Starline’s collection.

Starline reminiscing in from of some Sonic and Eggman memorabilia, including a yellow gem.

The real yellow Chaos Emerald appears throughout the series of course, including in Sonic Generations where it’s the emerald that you get for defeating Shadow the Hedgehog in a fight. And with Sonic Generations’ rerelease bundled with the new Shadow Generations campaign one of the many things that delighted me about the game is Rocky’s triumphant return and the silly way that it tied back into the original Sonic Generations.

In the promotional animated short for the game, Dark Beginnings, Shadow already has the yellow Chaos Emerald before the start of the game and holds on to it throughout the story. At the end of that short he flies to the Space Colony ARK and in an early cutscene in the game before being attacked by the Time Eater he finds Rocky still chilling on board the ARK and pockets it, now having both Rocky and the real yellow emerald.

Then, midway through the game, there’s a cutscene showing Sonic and Shadow’s fight from the Sonic Generations from Shadow’s perspective, where after losing he passes off Rocky to Sonic so that he can keep using the real emerald for his own fight.

It is, I admit, quite fan-wanky but I just admire pulling these disparate threads together and how this plotpoint is only possible because the fake emerald in Sonic Adventure 2 and the one in the Shadow rival battle in Sonic Generations both just happen to be the yellow one. And it means that Rocky is back! And he did such a good job! And he even retroactively gets to appear in Sonic Generations now too!

Nice try, Rocky! button.

Film poster.

It’s the late nineties, Scream came out two years ago and we think horror movies are cringe unless veiled with an layer of irony. The Child’s Play series over and now it’s time for the Chucky franchise.

Okay the move into horror comedy does make sense, really. This is a series about a serial killer children’s doll. And I think this film has a lot going for it. Tiffany is great and Chuck’s new design is pretty cool and stops it from repeating the schtick of the last three films of pretending to be a cute cuddly doll who fools children.

The movie makes up a magic amulet so that this doesn’t have to be a fourth film in a row of him chasing Andy Barclay, but road trip to get the MacGuffin is a pretty boring setup too and I don’t think making Chucky and Tiff the main characters instead of his victims was a great move. Chucky is fun but he’s very one-note. Tiff is great but doesn’t have that much more depth. Jade and Jesse are just boring and I do not care about them at all. And the general 90s-ness of it grates against me.

Still, the series has reinvented itself now and I know it does eventually find its footing by the time it gets to the TV show at least, I just hope it actually did it in one of the movies before that too.

Film poster.

The same basic plot again but this time in a military school. I might not be rating this so low if I wasn’t watching these back to back but I do think it is also a step down. We are getting a little sillier; Chucky gets some more abuse while pretending to be a doll and the kills are getting more elaborate or ironic. But we’re not fully into horror comedy yet and the result is neither tense nor particularly funny.

Film poster.

As horror sequels go it’s pretty decent but isn’t bringing much new to the table. Which Chucky now being an already established movie monster the film is not shy about showing him off from the get-go, so it lacks the first film’s sense of escalation. We do get to see a lot more puppetry though and it is very impressive work, though some lingering shots where Chucky’s face abruptly stops animating do break the illusion somewhat. In links to the TV show we have Kyle and also the theme music.


I have been working on mirroring my Mastodon account to here like the Letterboxd and Backloggd reviews.

I think I will wait till tomorrow to deploy that but when I do it will add some backdated posts into the feed here.

I’m fairly happy with it. It is not fully featured but it will mirror posts, include images and alt text, set content warnings as titles if present and gather threads together into a single post.

It does not include replies I’ve made to other people’s posts and will not mirror boosts either, though I might add the latter.

This site only updates when I rebuild and push it so it won’t mirror my Cathode Church posts immediately but every time I update the site I should include whatever I’ve posted there since the last update.

This review contains spoilers.Film poster.

A great movie of the sort to watch with friends while making fun of it. Many problems play off each other in a such a way that I find it difficult to decide where to start with it.

A lot of this movie was clearly written with certain set pieces in mind without much thought as to how to get from A to B. It feels like after a certain amount of time in a given location a character will declare what might as well be “well we got all the special effects shots we wanted here done, let’s go to [next location]” with the flimsiest of justifications.

It’s hard to dwell on this in the moment though because it will jump to the next scene the moment someone finishes speaking without so much as an establishing shot to give some breathing room. In at least one case it seemed like it happened mid-sentence.

Almost as jarring as the editing is the acting, which feels unpractised to the point of giving the impression that there is a lot of ad libbing happening. That the actors are expecting to hear the director yell “cut” before realising that the scene is continuing as a single shot and they need to keep it going.

Characters are just baffling in other ways too. Mo’ and Chocolate Chip Charlie talk about going after “it” before they actually see The Stuff move and then barely react to punching people and seeing their faces slough off to reveal that they are hollow inside. They then split up and Charlie proceeds to then disappear from the movie for an hour. Mo’, meanwhile, sees a newspaper article about a boy knocking cartons of Stuff over at a supermarket and with possibly the most grim and serious line delivery he gives in the entire movie declares that he needs to meet this child.

Everyone being so off-kilter perhaps adds to the tension that they might be being affected by the titular substance. I kept expecting reveals of a character having been taken over that just don’t arrive. Certainly it feels like it should be happening when characters are shouting not to let it touch them as if a single drop would be fatal while repeatedly getting it all over their faces. There’s a scene where Andrea Marcovicci’s character is meant to be pretending to eat The Stuff that includes a wonderful shot of her grimacing and cringing with white fluff dangling off of her lips, apparently having been unable to resist the temptation on set to see what the prop actually tastes like and realising that it’s awful.

The special effects are, at least, consistently entertaining, though not consistent in any other regard. The threat The Stuff poses is completely arbitrary moment to moment with it being utterly passive for extended periods while suddenly lunging at our heroes or gushing forth in tidal waves as soon as an escape route opens for them.

In the end though, the looming and arbitrary threat of the The Stuff is no match for an openly racist conspiracy theorist radio host with his own private militia.

Film poster.

Smile dares to ask “What if It Follows had been good?”

If this film had been described in detail to me I probably would have thought it would sound terrible and going back and looking at the trailer now it does not look promising.

But it worked for me. Everything that in the trailer seems so trite gripped me in the moment while watching the full piece. It just all came together into a really tense and occasionally brutal movie.

My only real complaint is the fakeouts where we see the protagonist doing something that turns out to have been a dream or otherwise not real which I feel breaks the rules of how the visions of the smiler (I’m just going to call it that) otherwise work.

Film poster.

I’ve been watching the first series of the Chucky TV show while sick and enjoying it. It starts off slow and focused, its own-self contained thing, but then as it escalates and gets sillier it starts steadily dropping in characters and stories from the movies. I’ve never seen any of the Child’s Play or Chucky movies and decided to give them a go before starting the second series of the TV show.

It’s always interesting going back to the original of a long-running series and seeing how it compares. What of the primitive iconography goes all the way back to the start? What inconvenient plot details have been forgotten? How does the glimpse of Charles Lee Ray’s pre-doll life we see in this movie compare to the flashbacks from the TV show?

Certainly how the show frames murder as a part of Chucky and Tiffany’s relationship gives a retroactive and unintentional bisexual subtext to Eddie’s underdeveloped relationship with Charles in this.

But just taking the movie on its own merits: It’s pretty good! I really like the slow escalation. The doll evolves from object of tension to a stalking presence to a slapstick slasher to a gruesome monster.

There’s some bits I think could have been left on the table. Much of the voodoo stuff and the second scene with the homeless guy who sells the doll to Karen in particular, but they don’t drag the movie down enough to ruin it. It’s easy to see why this was a hit that resulted in so many sequels.


The previous version of this site was originally just the gallery and it included an Atom feed honestly mostly just because I wanted to understand better how RSS worked and it was an interesting and fun thing to make. When I made the bog instead of retiring the old feeds I added a new one and then made a combined one that had everything and as I’ve reorganised things this has become a pain.

And the gallery is a record of past things I’ve worked on. The dates listed are retroactive. Even when I add new things they’re usually pretty heavily back-dated. It’s not really an appropriate use of an RSS feed. You shouldn’t really be adding things that have dates months or even years in the past. And when I add something there now I’m probably going to have a post about it anyway. So I’ve decided to simplify things. I am going to remove the other feeds and redirect them to the one for the bog. If I add something to the gallery there’ll be a post about it and obviously the two podcasts have their own feeds. Because they’re podcasts and that’s how podcasts work.


I’ve used RSS for a years. I have over two hundred feeds in my RSS reader (though many are inactive). Not as far back as the Google Reader days, mind; I started off with The Old Reader. Back when I move my phone over to Lineage OS and removed all Google services I moved to Newsblur, largely because it had a client available on F-Droid when The Old Reader did not1.

But I have been feeling dissatisfied with it. Part of trying to move away from social media towards following other people’s bogs2 is that I’ve moved more towards RSS being the primary means that I follow and view people’s posts and I have found that Newsblur was just not the most pleasant reading experience.

I can not fully explain why I did not like reading in it. I think perhaps the interface is too intrusive and the reading panel feels too cramped. I had mostly used it to open links to other pages rather than reading text in place. It has some other problems too: It was consistently failing to update some feeds that had well formed RSS documents (it would always succeed on a local, manual refresh) and its handling of Mastodon posts was pretty abysmal. In particular if a post had an image with alt text it would display the alt text in place of the main body of the post.

But even putting those issues aside I want reading to be a pleasant experience. I am here to have fun and as much fun as it is to make and style my website—and I do hope that people look at it—I think an important part of a decentralised web is that the centralised way that you read it should be as smooth and fun as possible.

Which is a long preamble to say that I am currently using a free trial of Feedbin and I am enjoying it. It a more pleasant, less busy, interface and it seems to have special handling of Mastodon posts where it displays them with the avatar included and everything.

A Mastodon post from Foone Turing showing their avatar in the corner. “my resume should play doom. I should fix that”

I may still try out some other readers but as it stands once my twenty-eight days are up I think I’d be happy to pay five United States dollars a month to keep using it.

It isn’t perfect. The “extract full content” option seems to be more hit-and-miss than Newsblur’s version of that feature, especially for some news sites I follow, and it lacks Newsblur’s ability to just display the full source page in an iframe, but I prefer it overall. I do also wish you could do little unique colour styling on different people’s blogs though, are there any readers that do that?

Also I figured I would also give a shoutout to Freetube which I use to watch Youtube videos now. Using Lib Redirect when I open a Youtube link it automatically opens in Freetube, which provides a nice, decluttered interface for Youtube, does not display ads and even has Sponsor Block built in. It does have its issues. The main one being that if I click a Youtube video it will replace whatever one was already open and I will lose my current position. As someone who tends to leave long videos running as I do other stuff with frequent pausing to let myself concentrate on other things3 I have had to learn to stop myself from absently clicking on other random Youtube links in the middle of something else.

  1. Sadly due to practical concerns I have moved back to stock Android on my current phone, but try to avoid Google stuff as much as is reasonable. 

  2. Other people seem to spell it with as silent l? 

  3. I currently have Justin Roczniak’s video on Black Wall Street paused in Freetube and the RTÉ History Show segment on Irish Food History: A Companion paused on my phone4 (I use Antenna Pod5 for podcasts). 

  4. Fun fact: A clinic recently told me that I have ADHD and they are not going to treat it :) 

  5. Yes I am writing these names with extra spaces on purpose, I have an irrational hatred of camel case. 


I bookmarked a couple of posts from Natalie ages ago about h-entry and have finally gotten around to marking up my posts with them.

Hopefully I didn’t mess anything up and everything parsable now. I should have done this sooner as it was fairly simple but better late than never.

Now I have that set up as well as syndicating posts from my Backloggd and Letterboxd feeds. Next steps in trying to get set up to be part of the sociable web: Webmentions and figuring out how I want to handle rebogging individual posts.


The New York Times Tech Guild is on strike and asking people to boycott the paper’s online puzzles. I stopped doing Wordle a while ago as it was no longer finding it satisfying but I usually do the mini crossword and Connections.

If you usually do them and too and are lacking a daily puzzle here is a Connections/Only Connect/puzzle grid of my own devising below. You can also play in on Puzzgrid.

Grove Paradise Park Cave
Windy Seaside Beach Hills
Night Turquoise Street Coast
Forest Altar Radiant Mushroom

If you’re unfamiliar with this sort of puzzle: There’s sixteen words that make up four groups of four words through some sort of connection. Here is some easy ones on Puzzgrid to get the idea.

This one has a specific theme running through the whole puzzle and it does require some specialised knowledge on that subject. Check the hint to see what that is.

Inspired by BCJ doing the same which I saw via Mike Egan.


It is Sonic the Hedgehog-themed.

Hint 2

All the answers are the names of Sonic the Hedgehog levels.

  1. Cave, Forest, Hills, Grove
  2. Radiant, Beach, Altar, Coast
  3. Mushroom, Windy, Turquoise, Seaside
  4. Park, Paradise, Night, Street
  1. Sonic levels named Green ___.
  2. Sonic levels named Emerald ___ or ___ Emerald.
  3. Sonic levels named ___ Hill.
  4. Sonic levels named Casino ___.
Extra comment (spoilers)

I wanted to do a group with the levels Mecha Green Hill Zone, Neo Green Hill and Green Hills Zone with the hints being “Mecha, Neo, s” but I don’t think there’s a fourth level with a name that’s a variation on Green Hill Zone to make a group.


Went out with partner for fancy burgers last night and then went back to her’s and cuddled on the couch and I suggested watching the trans episode of Dirty Pair as I had started watching the show and while I knew that there was a happy couple in it where the bride was a trans woman I did not know that they were also burger freaks.

A still from Dirty Pair with the subtitles of the couple singing “Hamburgers are part of our relationship!”

This review contains spoilers.Film poster.

A man believes that he is promised the middle class American life of ownership of a suburban home, wife and 2½ children and cannot fathom why he does not have what he is owed. The person who sympathises with him the most in the movie is a Nazi and he is incapable of self-reflection over this or anything else, going to his grave not understanding how he became the bad guy.

Game poster.

There is an incredible satisfaction in nailing a level of Sonic and/or Shadow Generations. It often feels almost as much like a rhythm game as a platformer, giving you that steady flow of obstacles to react to as you start off sight-reading and then eventually memorising the feel and flow of the stages, with plenty of alternate paths and shortcuts to tease out as well.

The contextual DOOM POWERS add extra layers to this for specific levels and Shadow turning into a squid now or using evil HM03 Surf is just kind of funny to see and Shadow’s chaos control power adds an interesting element of resource management to every stage as well, especially if you are trying to get the fastest possible speedrun time as, hilariously, when Shadow stops time he also stops the level timer.

The music is, like the levels, composed of banger remix after banger remix. I am listening to Space Colony ARK Act 1 as I write this and I will probably be listening to it a lot in the future.

The writing was also a surprisingly highlight. The plot is fairly simple but Ian Flynn uses the giant Sonic lore vault in his mind to weave different threads together in interesting and funny ways without coming across as fan wank. There’s a lot of references to past games but there’s usually some sort of point to it rather than saying “hey look at this thing!” and the supplementary material around the game with the Robotnik family history makes me hope Flynn or Evan Stanley get to explore Ivo Robotnik’s relationship to his family more in the comics or a future game. And the way the third boss was handled is so funny.

It’s good.


I’ve decided to start posting reviews to my Backloggd account. First one is of Shadow Generations (it’s good). You won’t really need to follow me there, though, as any reviews I post there should also show up on this bog.

They current implementation is really simple. When I build the site it reads the Backloggd RSS feed and copies the post to here but it’s on my todo list to start caching rebogs locally to have a copy preserved and hopefully to stop this getting too slow if the number of posts I’m syndicating starts to get too large.

In the RSS feed the link points to the original review on Backloggd rather than to the copy on this site. Not sure about which it should link to. If you have an opinion on that feel free to share.

I am also planning on doing this for Letterboxd as well and maybe something similar for books. Is there any decent alternative to Goodreads?


This post demonstrates custom CSS that won’t display in RSS readers.

One of the things that Cohost taught me is that CSS is actually fun. Styling a website is a really lovely form of self-expression and I have been really enjoying styling this this website1. And I thought I’d highlight some of the things I’ve done.


The site has two different colour schemes for dark mode and light mode. I much prefer the dark mode one but I generally use dark mode for everything I can. The dark mode has a cool, blue palette while the light mode uses a warmer colour scheme with oranges and peach colours. Most of the colours I used are picked from the Pico-8 palette.

There is a gradient as you scroll down the page in both colour schemes ending in a different footer images2. In dark mode stars also come out as you scroll down.

External links and internal links have different colours3 and also some links have special decorations. If I link to the atom feed for the bog or my page about Snolf they have little Nintendo dialogue icons appended to them or if I link to Transy it uses the typeface that she talks in: Hobo.

This applies whenever those specific things are linked to and I don’t need to do anything special with this post to apply them.


The site also has custom cursors based off of old Windows cursors. If you mouse over the above links you might have noticed that there are also different cursors depending on what type of link they are.


For the Irish language portions of my site I use Mínċló GC from Gaelċlo instead of Crimson Text which is used for English text. I also use it for the title of The Bog because using silly fancy text for headings is fun. Other examples: Gallery is Tate Regular, The the Ring Podcast uses Some Rings and a bunch of other fonts I use for titles on my homepage are references to Sonic the Hedgehog because of course they are.


The most important part of any site is 88×31 pixel buttons, obviously, to which I have a crippling addiction. I’ve copied some CSS from Hyphinett to embiggen them when you mouseover them and also set rendering mode to pixellated to keep them nice and crispy.

If you have your browser set to prefer reduced motion the mouseover effect is disabled and all the animated buttons are replaced with static ones.

For sites that don’t have buttons I use a little 88×31 image of a little piece of paper that I tore up with the names rendered on top slightly askew in Cinema Calligraphy.


The homepage divides into multiple columns depending on the screen width. Other pages generally have a single-column layout with navigation elements on either side that collapse to the top of the page if the screen is narrow enough, like on mobile. The avatar for the bog also snaps to the top on narrow screens and otherwise sits beside posts and scrolls with the page.

Gallery pages have sets of links next to/under the title that all change to the site’s link hover colour when mouseovered. This applies is applied to images using a combination of -webkit-filter sepia and hue-rotate. This also changes with light and dark mode. Projects with git repos have an icon here that expands into an info box with the git repo address.

And sometimes I just do little bespoke things for pages, such as the vertical ogham text on the Cló Piocó-8 page. Trivia: ogham is one of the few scripts that is written bottom-to-top.


I also have some custom CSS for printing. I don’t really plan on printing pages from this site nor do I expect anyone else to, but it was fun to play with. Colour is drained out of styling to save on coloured ink, links are instead underlined and the addresses they point to appended after them in brackets. Videos and audio players are hidden, the link icons in gallery pages are turned into a bullet point list under the header and the comment box is hidden.

When there’s no CSS

Printing is just one alternative way I like to think about how my site could be displayed. While I don’t test the site with Netscape Navigator4, I do read back over posts in my RSS reader and sometimes check the site in the terminal-based web browser Lynx.

Again I don’t really expect people to be navigating this site in the terminal but it does make me mindful of how the site functions in terms of pure HTML content elements without the fancy styling and I think it’s important to keep it understandable and navigable in that mode too. That is how the site is going to be parsed by accessibility tools. I also try to have as little Javascript involved as possible as well and not use it to render page content5.

At the top of this post there is a little infobox warning. There is CSS to make this eye-catching but it’s also defined as an <b> element so that even in the absence of CSS it will display bold and be a little attention-grabbing.

On gallery pages, and especially on podcast episode pages, there is a credits/links section at the bottom of the page in smaller text. There is a heading about this section saying “Credits” but it’s hidden by CSS as I thought the page flowed better without it. It’s still there for if the page is being read without CSS and the styling can’t be used to differentiate it as a separate element from the main page text as clearly.

I used to some invisible horizontal rules across the page, set to not display using CSS, that would divide the header and footer of the site from the main content to try and make it read cleaner in situations where there was no CSS. That was before I simplified the site layout somewhat and took out the more divided header and footer areas with links in them that the site used to have.


That’s all that I can think of off the top of my head. Bye.

  1. When it is not making me tear my hair out at least. 

  2. Both footers are modified Sonic the Hedgehog backgrounds. 

  3. Green and blue in dark mode, brown and orange in light mode. 

  4. Sorry, Luna

  5. Other than comments and webring stuff on the homepage. 


Previous roundup here.

the little lies robots tell us — Melon

The longer we tolerate the little lies that robots tell us, the bigger the lies become, and the more difficult it becomes to untangle them from our everyday lives. This is not an inevitability, however; we can find in ourselves and in our connections with eachother the self-confidence to learn how these things work, to unpick the threads, to see through the smoke and mirrors that they are only barely veiled behind.

How To Post — Mike Egan

Always remember to Post Hog.

And yeah, sometimes I want to do that, if I’m writing about my experience playing a game or something, but I also have a HUGE list of ideas for blog posts that I plan to write “eventually” that I’m very much not posting because I think I don’t have time to do it right. Because I think it has to be some level of “interesting” or “good” or “having a point.”

I’ve forgotten the lesson of Post Hog.

TIL cool math. Also we need knowledge engines that we can trust (that is: not chatgpt) — Llaura

I am honestly mostly linking to this for the absurdity that is the comparison image that Open AI used to show how “DALL·E 3 significantly improves uon DALL·E 2”. Look at this:

Two machine-generated images for the prompt “An expressive oil painting of a chocolate chip cookie being dipped in a glass of milk, depicted as an explosion of flavors”.

The older one looks somewhat like an actual oil painting while the “improved” version is a cacophonic mess that fails to represent what it asked of it while being aesthetically ugly as shit.

It almost makes me think that perhaps generative AI could actually produce output that is meaningfully better than it currently does and is at least partially hampered by simple obstacle that people who are making and curating these systems have truly atrocious taste.

The cookie example doesn’t seem to be on the site any more but the comparison they’ve replaced it with shows the exact same problem.

My 6 Favorite HEPA Filters & Air Cleaners — Joey Fox

The PC fan CR box was a recent invention to find a method to achieve high clean air delivery rates with very low noise. Noise is the greatest limitation of in-room air cleaners and PC fans are the best option to address it. There are no other air cleaners on the market that have the capability to supply 150 lps of clean air at 35 dBA. Nothing comes close.

Via House of Nettles. I am also still following Natalie’s posts about reblogging and keen to try my hands at doing similar with this site now that my rewrite to make posting easier is done. Also also from Natalie: This amazing look.

TERF Island — Sophie Lewis in Lux Magazine

A distilled history of the TERF movement and its roots in reactionary feminism.

For the twenty-first-century feminist who has never heard of this schismatic moment and has perhaps swallowed the narrative that transphobia and biological essentialism were intrinsic to feminism’s Second Wave, reading the movement magazine the Lesbian Tide is an education. Morgan’s keynote was reprinted in the May-June 1973 issue but placed at the back in small type, sandwiched between contributions that all criticize Morgan and oppose her sabotage of the gathering. MacLean’s diary conveys participants reactions to the conflict on stage: “This can’t be happening. This woman is insisting that Beth Elliott not be permitted to perform because Beth is a transsexual.” “That’s bullshit! Anatomy is NOT destiny!” In her own contribution, “Of Infidels and Inquisitions,” Elliott testifies that the solidarity she experienced “kept alive my faith in womankind.” Concerning Morgan herself, however, she states with dignity that “I personally distrust those who hate men more than they love or do anything positive for women.”

the embroidery tips page that forgot to close its <h3> tags

Via the Internet Archive, via Emma Zhou, via Peter Krupa via a reblog from Sin Vega.

Fandom has toxified the world — Alan Moore in The Guardian

This fairly mild and nothing that hasn’t been said over and over again, but it’s still sort of nice to hear it directly from Alan Moore?

Soon thereafter, caught up in the rush of adolescent life, I drifted out of touch with comic books and their attendant fandom, only returning eight years later when I was commencing work as a professional in that fondly remembered field, to find it greatly altered. Bigger, more commercial, and although there were still interesting fanzines and some fine, committed people, I detected the beginnings of a tendency to fetishise a work’s creator rather than simply appreciate the work itself, as if artists and writers were themselves part of the costumed entertainment.

The V*mpire — P.H. Lee in Reactor

A short story about being groomed on Tumblr. Mind the content warnings.

Friendly reminder that not inviting vampires into your house is viviocentrism. Stop being viviocentric!

OP, I don’t want to demand more emotional labor from you, but I really don’t understand what you mean. Should I really invite in every vampire?

Disrespectfully, go fuck yourself. It’s not my job to educate you.




See, this is exactly the sort of bullshit that living “allies” always impose on us. OP made it extremely clear: Not inviting in a vampire is viviocentrism. INVITE IN EVERY VAMPIRE.

You may think that nested quote looks horrendous but I am just providing the genuine 2010s Tumblr experience.

Why play a fascist? Unpacking the hideousness of the Space Marine — Edwin Evans-Thirlwell in Rock Paper Shotgun

Edwin pulls together multiple articles that are worth reading in and of themselves to look at how Space Marines have been sanitised away from their satirical roots.

It’s saying something about how accustomed I am to the ostensibly parodic figure of the Space Marine being portrayed as a hero that I didn’t really question this desire to make you “like” and “get” the “fanatical killing machines” at the time. To be clear, I don’t think Saber are deliberately and consciously trying to kindle empathy for literal fascist enforcers in Space Marine 2. Much of the above reasoning is grounded in ostensibly neutral, best-practicey questions of craft and characterisation.

A Maze of Murderscapes: Metroid II — S.R. Holiwell

An old classic that I think about a lot. I hope Stephy Rei Holiwell is still doing well out there. This and some other now-deleted writing of hers meant a lot to me.

Games about killing should probably make you uncomfortable. They shouldn’t be carefully crafted to be pleasant. Metroid II is openly about killing. It makes me uncomfortable with wordless specificity. This is one of the game’s saving graces.

This article was also, I believe, a large and overlooked part of the critical re-evaluation of Metroid II, being the basis for Game Maker’s Toolkit’s appraisal of the game when discussing its remakes.

Sex in the ’60s in Cork… and the racy agony aunt who faced death threats — Teddy Delaney in Echo Live

An extract from someone’s memoirs published in a local paper. I don’t think the book would be the most interesting thing in the world if I’m being honest but I found some of the quoted letters to an agony aunt column amusing.

We are four worried 17-year-old teenagers. We are going to our first dance soon and a friend has told us to refuse a mineral from a boy because if you accept it you are supposed to spend the rest of the dances with him. We would like to know if this is true. Also, if a fellow asks you to go outside does this mean that he is bad? And what should you do if a boy asks you to go outside?

And to explain the terminology: An agony aunt is someone who pens an advice column and mineral here means soft drink or soda. Sorry if I ruined the picture in your head of teenagers in the 1960s exchanging rocks at a dance.

concept: rewrite a bunch of my website code to split out sections from each other more cleanly so I can more easily make small posts with less effort

result: oh god oh fuck everything is broken and I have way to many unstaged changes what was I in the middle of doing a week ago before I went on holiday if I want to post anything I need to stash fifty files and change branches which takes several minutes right now

Though honestly that describes the situation more a week ago than right now. I do have the podcast processing stuff finished now and I just need to do similar rewrites with the Pico-8 processing. That should🤞🏻 be easier now that I have done the podcast stuff and can base what I do on how I handled that.


I was on holiday in Copenhagen last week. Here are some photos.

White specks dot the sea in a regular pattern seWen out the window of a plane.
Wind turbines seen from the plane.
A kabinenroller.
An Akira Toriyama-looking enclosed moped.
A shop called Normal.
Just normal men.
A stained glass window of a woman in a kimono.
Vela dyke bar.
A receipt reading “Cuiva”.
A valiant attempt from Gasoline Grill to spell my name.
A 7-Eleven with rainbow signage.
Found the gay 7-Eleven.
Ducks in lake.
Some ducks near Christiania.
A sticker featuring Yuri from Dirty Pair with text reading “HELLBOY OS BOYS”
I do not know what this means.
A meal.
Some vegan fish and chips from Atlas Bar.
Natu and Goomy Pokémon cards with vines and flowers hand painted on them.
Some little gifts for partners that I decorated at the Queer Krea Klub.
A very square-looking dog with white, matted hair and glowing red eyes.
An extremely fucked up dog painted by Nicolai Abildgaard.
A brown dog with a matted, brown mane but weirdly smooth body and also glowing red eyes.
A very sad looking dog with the body of a kiwi. The eyes don’t come out as red in this one but I think they looked red in person.
A can of Vinohradsky Pivovar.
A beer…
The back of the can with a radar chart rating the beer on “hop character”, “bitterness”, “carbonation”, “fullness” and “aftertaste”.
…with stats!
An ad for Cheez-It showing eyes with a spiral pattern and Cheez-Its for pupils.
Cheez-It hypno-advert jumpscare.
My being lit from below with some thin grey stubble barely visible.
Me after not having shaved for nine days.

people who know about photography I am thinking of getting a little polaroid-style camera for making little memento snaps. Image quality is not of paramount importance but y'know would be nice. Don't want to spend a fortune. Any particular recommendations?


fucked that quantum dot organic light-emitting diode televisions look the same as every other TV instead of being dimension­fucked techo­örganic nightmares


I am not posting as much on here as I was on Cohost. One reason is that I have just been really busy and tired recently.

Another is simply I spent a lot of time on Cohost. I have praised it a lot and how it felt more deliberate and less of a trap than other social media sites, but it was still a place I could open to kill time and scroll be driven by the small joys of getting notifications. I felt I got more out of it than other places where I did that, and it fostered that addiction at bit less, but it still did it.

But also there’s a psychological barrier. I still have this feeling that this site is something serious and I have to write in clear semi-formal prose and have something to say. Just posting “I won’t tell anyone if I win the lottery but there will be sins” feels wrong. Which is silly. This is my website. I can write anything I want on here. And I enjoy shitposting. I should be doing it. Maybe If I can get into the flow of treating this place more casually I can feel a bit more open again. Perhaps if I can get over the embarrassment of it I might even post some kink stuff.

But there is another reason too: Posting on here is much more deliberate. I use Jekyll as a static-site generator so making a post involves creating a new text file on my PC and running a small command line script to build and push the changes to my server. It’s not a huge effort, but it’s certainly more than using a website. I like building this site.

Sylvia (quoting someone else) said that “a personal website is like a model train set, in that it’s never really done and you work on it constantly in the hopes that someone will see it” and I think that’s a great comparison! I have a todo list for ideas for this site as long as my arm and as a programmer by trade I both enjoy and know how to make extra work for myself doing it. It was originally just a site built with the default Jekyll minima theme but I have bolted on a lot of extra features and generators. There’s a pipeline to build Pico-8 games from source and an entire podcast processing system and these all run every time I regenerate the site. The overhead with these wasn’t too bad at first but over time it has just taken longer and longer to build and push the site for small changes.

But this is just another problem to solve! I enjoy doing this. I already do have a janky system in place for testing the site while skipping some of the more intensive steps for testing, but I can’t use it to push changes to the site because it would fuck up certain pages which would get replaced with versions that are missing things.

I have some idea already of how I want to go about this and it involves dividing up the site a bit more cleanly into discrete parts. This is going to result in moving some stuff around and in particular I think I will be moving everything in the gallery to a new URL scheme so any current links to my exhibits are going to break. Sustaining a few 404s is fine and if I do find anyone linking to specific pages I might set up some manual redirects but I don’t want to have to set up a million redirect rules. I have too many already and I think I’m going to be removing most of them other than for the Atom feeds to reduce clutter as well.

And then, maybe shitposting?


The Blue McDonald’s in Cork sits at the end of Patrick Street at the corner with Daunt’s Square that sits in distinctive, rounded building. This is formerly the site of Woodford, Borne & Co. and the lettering on the side of the building still promises “wines, fruits, spices, coffees, teas, wines [and] spirits”. I guess they really wanted you to know that they had wines. The Woodford bar at the back of the building on Paul St. is also named for this prestigious shop.

But since a certain clown moved in in the 1980s the building has become known to the residents of Cork simply as The Blue McDonald’s and it is still called that to this day.

Despite the fact that it has been painted green for over a decade now.

A local news article about vandalism at the “Blue McDonald’s” with a photo of the restaurant that is clearly green.
From Cork Beo.

Unrelated reading:


A roundup of some posts I’ve been reading that I thought I’d share.

Previous roundup here.

Deus Ex Machina [1984] — Arcade Idea

I have been catching up on the sadly inactive Arcade Idea, a blog working through the history of video games through selected games that chart development of the medium. Unlike many such projects it does not focus only on console and arcade games or on games that are still famous.

Deus Ex Machina, whose entry I have linked, is a fascinating ZX Spectrum game/interactive movie/concept album that I had never heard of, designed and composed by Mel Croucher.

It’s actually on Steam and there is a playthrough available to watch on Mel Croucher’s Youtube channel. It has some pretty heavily strobing lights in some sections.

When the mouse dies inside The Machine, it takes its one final death shit. The turd drops into the test-tube babymaker. For the whole first act, and arguably the whole game, you play as this mouse turd.

COVID Denialism and Disability Justice — Natalie Weizenbaum

I have been also reading Natalie’s posts about setting up post embedding and reblogging and will have a look at doing that too, so maybe in future instead of these roundup posts I will directly reblog stuff into my feed.

Because this category myth isn’t just incorrect, it’s oppressive. All axes of oppression are wrapped around similar myths. This is why sexists are so threatened by transsexuals, why racists invented the crime of miscegenation. An oppressive mindset demands a clear and permanent division between oneself and one’s victims; a mode of thought that relies on clear and permanent divisions is at high risk of enacting oppression, knowingly or not. Those who are unable (or unwilling) to imagine themselves becoming disabled are the ones who do the most harm to people who already are.

The NES Pictionary Bot, In Memoriam — Luna

The NES Pictionary bot, was, as Luna describes, something that could almost have existed on any social media website. But it could only have worked how it did, and how well it did, on Cohost, where users were given much more of a blank canvas to work with than any other social media site.

This could have been achieved on Twitter via a two-account mechanism. The main account would post the image with the dashes, a secondary account would post a reply with the solution. Users could then mute/block the secondary account, or follow it if they wanted to always see the solutions.

Similarly, this could have been achieved on Mastodon using the Content Warning (CW) system, which allows you to put a post behind a warning and require action on the part of the user to actually view the post. The bot would post the image with the dashes, and then in a follow-up post, post the solution under a CW, making users interact to see the solution.

These solutions always seemed kinda clunky to me, and eventually I just forgot all about it.

Enter Cohost.

A one-person oral history of Geocities HTML Chat — andi mcc

Speaking of giving users a blank canvas with HTML, this is one of the posts I saw circulating again towards the end of Cohost’s life, detailing the absolutely audatious way that Geocities HTML chat (which I had never heard of before) worked. Now that Cohost is shutting down she has returned to her blog.

Geocities HTML Chat was, from a technical perspective, a guestbook with a small twist. There was a chat for each of the “cities” (my home was SiliconValley, I think?). Each chat used (of course) frames to display two smaller webpages. One frame above (I don’t actually remember, but let’s say it was above) was a thin band containing a CGI input form. The lower frame was larger, and scrolled freely. This frame used a server-side trick; the server would tell your web browser it was sending it an infinitely long web page (or maybe it just claimed it was some impossibly large size, a gigabyte or something). It would send it the opening <html>, and then it would hang. It would keep the socket open. When a user in the chat room submitted a line to their CGI box, every user would simultaneously receive a new line on the bottom-frame open socket (which their web browser sincerely believed an ordinary webpage was actually really loading into, just very slowly).

pokémon cymraeg — Twitchcoded

A page where Twitch is documenting a project of translating pokémon names into Welsh. I had fun before coming up with Irish translations for Sonic the Hedgehog characters. It’s the kind of thing that lets you play with language in a cool way. Pokémon are great for this especially because of the multilayered and punny nature of their names. Draoi Aisteach</i> has actually already made full translations of Pokémon Red and Blue.




  • cadno (fox)
  • naw (nine)
  • cadnawes (vixen)

America a Prophecy — Elizabeth Sandifer

Last time I linked to Elizabeth Sandifer’s Doctor Who writing. This time I am going to link to another of her long-term projects: An annual series of blog posts analysing the American psyche through the lens of a bafflingly awful newspaper comic about the tenth anniversary of the September 11th attacks. I recommend reading the whole series and I look forward to next year’s.

As a practitioner of a magical/critical practice that I have coined psychochronography, it is my belief that one can position any cultural object at the center of one’s vision and, through sufficiently thorough exploration of it, understand the larger world in which it exists. To this end, I propose that we explore this genuinely astonishing work of comics art in order to understand the whole of America in the 21st century.

New Team, New Discord! — Spore in the News

For the sheer novelty of it: Spore’s official website and RSS feed updated this week. Spore. The game from 2008. Why not add it to your RSS reader too so that you can get updated on any new Spore news? Or I guess more likely join the Discord server they are using the news post to advertise.

Spore has a new team! You may notice some of our team members making the rounds throughout the Spore communities - RogueLyeshal (Rogue) and Reiliyn (Rei) are leading up our new community efforts. Speaking of… there is now an official Discord server, where you can keep up with the latest news from the development team, participate in contests, and get to know other players of Spore! Come join us!

I have 2000 old VHS tapes in my garage and I don’t know what to do with them — James O’Malley

A cry for help I saw via Tom Scott’s newsletter that also goes into recovering teletext data from tapes.

What Alistair realised though was that even though there were no complete teletext pages stored on his tapes, there were still fragments of teletext data captured and saved by the tapes.

So he wrote some code that does something mind-blowing. Using his software, if you play in a VHS tape to a TV capture card, it will take the raw recording data, pick out the nuggets of teletext, and like magic will stitch them back together into complete pages.

Like I say, it’s witchcraft.

Artificial Life: Insects — CD-ROM Journal

A blog from Misty De Méo that explores old multimedia CDs. Maybe some day she’ll cover Ring: 感×染.

Although the front cover and spine credit Harada first, and it’s clear Harada’s CG artwork is the real centrepiece here, the three works are presented as coequals. More than an art book, a novel, or a game, it’s a project that shows how different mediums transform the same basic concepts. The three works don’t just diverge because of different inspirations but because their mediums influence what kinds of interpretations are possible, what kinds of ideas can take root.

hot pepsi ☕ — Dr. Melon

I can’t say I agree with this but it’s certainly an interesting perspective.

I highly recommend trying it out if you haven’t had it before, especially on a colder or rainy day. There’s something great about the warm steam coming off the top combined with tiny droplets flying out of the drink due to the carbonation that leave a pleasantly-contrasty cooling sensation on the lips just before you take a sip of the toasty liquid within. Drinking it and feeling the warm fizz is a little alchemical, and a little rebellious, with the net effect of overall feeling like you’re sneaking some of a wizard’s potion while he’s out gathering herbs.

👨‍💻 Side By Side 👨‍🎨 — Mike Egan

A cute little motion design animation!

I was deep in the website building mines in April, both working on this site, and building Welcome to the Cyber World, my MMBN fansite that I made for the Critical Distance Fansite Jam.

So I wanted to make something celebrating the joy and creativity of the particular left-brain/right-brain cooperation present in using code to make what is essentially a piece of visual media.

It’s called Side By Side because it was originally a horizontal piece with both windows sitting next to each other, but I found that to be too static, and the transition I landed on is more fun and dynamic. It also mirrors the actual experience of building a website, in that you often write the code not knowing 100% what the site will look like until you load it up in a browser!

k=2^13::s::for a=0,k do
n=0 for x=0,8 do
poke(a,n==12 and 4 or n==16 and peek(a))end
memcpy(k*3,0,k)goto s

That is the entire source code for my my Pico-8 implementation of Conway’s Game of Life, which you can run here:

Control with , and

I made this as a tweetcart back when tweets were still 140 characters and I am still pretty proud of it. Let’s run through how this works!

If you have never heard of it, the Game of Life is a type of cellular automation, a simulation consisting of a grid of cells. Each cell is either alive or dead and with each iteration of the simulation the state of each cell changes based on the following rules, as copied from Wikipedia:

  • Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if by underpopulation.
  • Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next generation.
  • Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by overpopulation.
  • Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.

It’s pretty hard to see how those rules translate to the above code, so I’ll try to explain it as best I can. It relies on some tricks specific to Pico-8.

The first thing in the code is is setting k=2^13, that is 8,192. This is a magic number that is going to have a few uses.

Then we set a label ::s::. This is a label we can use goto later on in the code to return to.

Then we start a for loop, for a=0,k do, counting from 0 to 8,192. This is the length, in bytes, of the part of the the Pico-8 virtual machine’s memory that holds the current screen state. Pico-8 has a resolution of 128×128 pixels, for 16,384 pixels total, and each pixel can have one of 16 colours. That means that the colour of each pixel can be stored in 4 bits—half a byte—and therefore the full screen information can be stored in 8,192 bytes. We are going to treat every byte as a single cell, which means every cell is actually made of two pixels. You can see how every cell in the simulation is one brown and one black pixel side-by-side.

The reason we’re doing this is so that we can iterate over the current screen state in order to determine the next iteration and which cells survive or die. By examining the screen memory directly we don’t have to create a different data structure for storing the cell information; it’s just whatever’s currently on screen. This saves an awful lot of characters.

Then, inside the loop, we start by setting n=0, this is going to be used to track the number of neighbours that every cell has.

Then we start up a new loop, for x=0,8 do, to iterate over all the neighbouring cells.

Which brings us to the first complicated expression, n+=peek(k*3+a+x/3+x%3*64-65). This is adding up the values of all the neighbours (for the purposes of this implementation, each cell is considered to be be one of its own neighbours). It peeks at the memory addresses of each of the neighbours, then adds it to the running total, stored in n.

k*3 (24,576 or 0x6000) is the start of the screen memory, the starting point for iterating over the screen data. Adding a to it is iterating over each cell in sequence in the memory.

Every byte (cell) is going to have a value of 0, for dead, or 4, for alive. I’ll explain why I used the value of 4 rather than the more obvious value of 1 later.

The screen memory is arranged in the order you would probably expect, it starts in the top left corner and scans left to right, top to bottom. The first 64 bytes are the first line of the screen, the next 64 bytes are the second line, etc. As such getting the cells to the left and right of the left and right of the current one is just a matter of taking away or adding one to the address we’re querying. Getting the cells above and below means subtracting or adding 64, respectively.

To get all nine neighbours (including the current cell itself) we need to check nine memory addresses: The current address, k*3+a, and offsets of -1, +1, -64, +64, -65, -63, +63, +65. This is accomplished with the +x/3+x%3*64-65 part of the expression as it iterates from 0 to 8. +x/3 will go from +0, +1, +2 over the course of the loop1. +x%3*64 cycles through +0, +64 and +128. Then the -65 corrects these to be centred around 0 (-1 for the horizontal and -64 for the vertical).

You may notice that this is going to behave weirdly at screen edges: For the first and last row it will be checking for “neighbours” in memory before and after the screen data. These are simply going to be blank as they aren’t otherwise being used for this programme. Additionally, due to the layout of the memory the left and right edges will wrap around and be treated as neighbours of each other, with a one pixel vertical offset. This weird behaviour is going to be the price we have to pay for trying to fit a mathematical simulation into a tweet2.

Once we have the total value of n totted up it’s time to write the next iteration of the simulation: poke(a,n==12 and 4 or n==16 and peek(a)).

Poke is the opposite of peak, it lets us write to a value in memory, and we’re going to just starting writing at address 0x0, which in Pico-8 is normally spritesheet data, but we’re not using sprites in this programme so we can treat it as effectively free memory.

The poke expression is a bit weird but effectively we’re either going to poke a value of 4, 0 or the current value of the cell (peek(a)).

Let’s go back to our bullet points from Wikipedia for a second. We need to rewrite them slightly because we’ve changed the way we counted living neighbours to include the cell itself as its own neighbour. Rephrasing it in those terms we have:

  • A live cell with fewer than three live neighbours dies.
  • A live cell with three or four neighbours lives.
  • A live cell with more than four neighbours dies.
  • A dead cell with exactly three live neighbours lives.

Or, simplifying it:

  • Any cell with three live neighbours is alive in the next iteration.
  • Any cell with four live neighbours keeps its current value in the next iteration.
  • Any other cell is dead in the next iteration.

Or, n==12 and 4 or n==16 and peek(a). If n==12 this evaluates as 4, the value we’re using for a living cell. If n==16 this evaluates as peek(a), write whatever the value for the cell is currently. Otherwise this evaluates as nil, and fortunately for us Pico-8 treats poke(a,nil) as being equivalent to poke(a,0), meaning every other case produces a dead cell.

Now we’ve iterated across the entire screen and made the next iteration of our simulation, the only thing left to do is copy the new iteration into the screen memory (memcpy(k*3,0,k)) and then start our loop again (goto s).

That’s it! Except, you might wonder, what about our starting state? We didn’t set any initial data, so why is there anything here in the first place when you run it? Well, our initial data is whatever is on screen when we run the code. You can have any starting state you want simply by having something different drawn to the screen when you hit run.

And that’s also why I used 4 for the value of a living cell: it produced interesting results when running directly after Pico-8’s boot screen rather than dying instantly, which happens if you used 13. 4 was chosen by trial and error. It’s also a bit easier to look at than using 1, which uses a dark blue colour rather than brown that’s harder to see against the black.

You can play around with this code yourself using Pico-8 Education Edition4 or check out my other Pico-8 projects

And that’s (actually) it! I hope you found this interesting.

  1. peek thankfully ignores any fractional values, so we can act as if these are being rounded. 

  2. At least to fit into what the size a tweet was back in the good old days, when men were men and tweets were tweets. Now I’m a woman and I’ve deleted my Twitter account… Actually, those might have been the bad old days. 

  3. Which would have shaved off two two more characters as the poke command would have been changed to n==3 and 1 or n==4 and peek(a)

  4. Click the button to start it and then hit Esc twice to open the editor. To run it again hit Esc again to bring up the command line, enter run and hit Enter


I am trialling a comments section using Cusdis. There should be a comment section below this and every other bog post as well as every entry in the gallery.

This means most pages on here now use Javascript which makes me a little sad but maybe it is worth it.

Or maybe I will just decide to remove this again! We’ll see.

In any case feel free to say hello in a comment below.


As Cohost shuts down I have been making a fuss about moving away from social media and I am not the only one. We are in the final week before it goes read-only and people have been sharing blogs and websites and my RSS reader has been filling up. So here I will share some things I have been reading lately, both from Cohost people and just other interesting articles.


vampy lipsticks — Tulip

There is going to be a lot of more typically nerdy stuff in here so let’s start with something else. I don’t wear makeup much these days but I am not immune to black lipstick recommendations.

as fall approaches, my craving for deep, dark lipsticks increases… my dark metamorphosis.

OK, well, technically it’s Vampire Season year-round here - i don’t need Halloween as an excuse to embrace black clothes and dark lipstick. but still! i thought it would be appropriate to showcase some of my favorite vampy lip colors from my personal collection.


The Working Archivist’s Guide to Enthusiast CD-ROM Archiving Tools — Misty

Misty digs through CD-ROM preservation and touches on why the history of the CD as an audio format first and data format second makes it more complicated than it might seem.

CD audio isn’t a file-based format, and instead uses a series of unnamed, numbered tracks. CD-ROM extends this by making it possible for a track on a disc to contain data and a filesystem instead of audio. Since CD-ROM extends CD audio, the two formats aren’t mutually exclusive: a CD-ROM disc can still contain multiple tracks, and it can even contain more than one data track or a mixture of data and audio tracks.

Hacking a Hitachi Magic Wand (Plus) — Kore

This is just cool.

So: the Hitachi Magic Wand is a very good device. It, however, has very little granularity in how strong it is. Even the newer Magic Wand Plus only has four, non-customizable settings.

I don’t like this and want to fix it. In the process, I’ll also be adding bluetooth connectivity, because I thought that was pretty funny.


software rendering is awesome — erysdren

i fuckin love software rendering. the act of creating a fully realized 3D scene entirely in your own program, without the aid of OpenGL or DirectX or any GPU whatsoever. something about that is so charming to me. it leads to so many interesting technical design decisions and shortcuts taken to get it to run fast (if that is the goal).

Social media

RIP Cohost — Mike Egan

I had to have at least one R.I.P. Cohost article in here.

From a design perspective, compared to all other social media, Cohost was a paradise. No numbers, no algorithm, no global feed, no discover page, and a lot of really useful ways to curate what shows up in your feed. Having a reverse-chronological feed of only the things I wanted to see from the people I asked to see them from has done wonders for my brain.

It was never about the numbers — Aurahack

Also somewhat of a reflection on Cohost but also on how numbers and stats make you worse.

The close friends I made there motivated me to get better because they were further in their art journey than I was. I looked up to them not because they were my favorite artists but because they would create alongside me and it would inspire me! I wanted to grow like they were visibly growing. Over time, I did, and my following would start to outpace theirs and… I think that’s where it started getting kind of nasty.

Computer games

Everywhere and Nowhere: Emptiness in Level Design — Nat Clayton

Nat Clayton talks about in-between spaces in games both in her work and in other games. She has also made me aware of the Weird Maps series by Whomobile which is great.

There’s a dead-end I think about every single day, tucked away in the back of Half-Life 2’s airboat chapter. It’s a right turn where you’re supposed to go left, a gun turret and a headcrab ambush and some secret crates for those nosy enough to go scavenging. It’s one of a thousand dead ends in Half-Life 2, but this one sticks out to me. As the sickly golden twilight paints the concrete runoff, illuminating basic shanty structures, the sparseness of the space is unavoidable. The roar of airboat fans and chase music given way to gusts of wind and mechanical creaking. Some designer decided that someone once lived here, died here, and painted that scene with an absolute minimum of brushes and textures.

Listening, Watching, Gaming — Chris Hall in First Person Scholar

Not a million miles away from this but in the much more academic side of games writing here’s a piece on the paratext created by submerging oneself in the soundscape and environment of a game level.

As I write this, I have open on another screen, as I often do, one of these ambient paratexts—in this case, an hour-long video from Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. There’s no music, no avatar, only a first-person scene at the ground level providing a nighttime view of the exterior of the Graniny Gorki research outpost in Tselinoyarsk, the Soviet Union. Directly before us is a high fence, followed by patches of grass and the concrete façade of the facility. To the far right a guard patrols within the fenced area, as oblivious as the sleeping dog nearby. Presumably we perceive the scene through the eyes of the game’s protagonist, Naked Snake, lying prone, but we needn’t be aware of this, and Snake provides no signs of his presence. The peaceful scene is backgrounded by the ambient sounds of the southern USSR forest, the constant chirping of bugs punctuated by the faraway cries of nocturnal birds.

Doctor Who

Perverting the Course of Human History (War of the Sontarans) — Elizabeth Sandifer

I have been enjoying Elizabeth Sandifer ripping the Chibnall-era of Doctor Who to shreds as part of her long-running TARDIS Eruditorum series analysing the entire run of Doctor Who from the 1963 to the present.

You figure there’s got to be this entire shadow Chibnall era—the one that exists only in Davies’ head and perhaps some text messages to his mates. No more detailed than the Leekley era, perhaps, but undoubtedly there. Like poor Penny in Partners in Crime we can see its shadows—obviously The Timeless Children would have stuck larger and more mind-wrenchingly than the rest, with Davies at once transfixed by its potential and vexed by its production. Ironically, he’s the one person who seems to have been substantially influenced by the Chibnall era.

The Problem with Doctor Who — Luna

An older post but keeping with on the topic of Doctor Who: Luna points out a problem with the current Doctor Who intro segment that has been in place since the 2023 60th anniversary specials. We can only hope that they fix it by this year’s Christmas special.

But something is seriously amiss in the 2023 specials, and neither I nor my inner child can let it go. And it’s not the [whatever the bigots are angry about this time], nor even the [actually legitimate criticism here]. No, none of that. The probl-


-em with the 2023 specials is… oh. Right.

Serious articles for serious people

AI and the American Smile — Jenka

In the same way that English language emotion concepts have colonized psychology, AI dominated by American-influenced image sources is producing a new visual monoculture of facial expressions.

‘Right to Repair for Your Body’: The Rise of DIY, Pirated Medicine — Jason Koebler for 404 Media

“I don’t know who needs to hear this but I’m scared too all the time of losing the health that I have. I know what it feels like,” he says. “I know what it feels like to not know what’s wrong with your body and to have to go shop for a stranger who has the authority to maybe or maybe not give you what you need. I know what it feels like to know what’s wrong with your body and to know what you need and to be told you can’t have it because the infrastructure has failed and it’s not available.”

The Third Sex — Talia Bhatt

Here is a morbid, maddening irony: anthropological scholarship, distinctly Western anthropological scholarship, that for decades has touted the maxim of ‘binary gender’ being an ‘imposed’, ‘colonial’ concept, has now been cited by an Indian court in an opinion that explicitly third-sexes the hijra and purports that recognizing them as women would ‘violate their constitutional rights’. It is seemingly only imperialism when populations who seek the technologies of transition and legible womanhood are granted access to them, while the opinions of Western academics shaping local politics is merely sparkling scholarship.


I have decided to move the location of my RSS1 feeds. I will set up some redirects and hopefully everything will go smoothly but I decided to write this to let anyone following them know just in case it breaks something.

I’ll publish this post first then move everything little while later to give it a chance to be picked up in RSS readers before anything has the chance to go wrong.

I am also going to change the URL scheme for posts from /year/month/day/title to /bog/title.

/blog.xml -> /bog.atom

/feed.xml -> /everything.atom

/gallery.xml -> /gallery.atom

/foṫa.xml -> /dánlann.atom

  1. Technically Atom as the new links make obvious, but everyone just calls it RSS anyway. 


A different GIF will displayed below depending on your browser’s prefers-reduced-motion and prefers-color-scheme settings. There’s four different possibilities:

A white cat

I hadn’t used prefers-reduced-motion before but I saw a chost from Kore linking to a blog post about accessibility and GIFs and decided I wanted to follow it but I also didn’t want to have to manually write the HTML code for it each time. Thankfully programming is the art of being tactically lazy and I can put some effort in up front and solve an interesting problem once and then let my site generator handle it automatically from then on.

Also thankfully I had done something like this before after taking inspiration how Luna’s blog handles images. I don’t have high D.P.I. images but I do have different dark and light mode versions of images for the The “the Ring” Podcast series tracker chart and the Dracula International diagram I made.

The way I had initially done that was, characteristically, a mess. I wrote a custom custom Liquid tag to handle it which meant that instead of actually using the existing, basic Markdown syntax I had to put images into my posts with something like this:

{% image /bog/images/easóg.gif %}

So revisiting this to include prefers-reduced-motion options I decided to do it differently this time. A way that would allow me to just type the normal Markdown syntax and let my code handle everything else.

![A white cat](/bog/images/easóg.gif "Easóg")

The next step was to look into how to extend and customise Jekyll’s Markdown parsing and output but that sounds hard and I didn’t want to do that so I just used a regular expression1:

/((!!?)\[([^\[\]]*)\]\((.*?) *("([^"]*)")?\))/

This runs against the raw Markdown before it’s parsed into HTML and pulls out the link, alt text and title. That last part is also a big improvement over the custom tag I previously made as that didn’t support alt text or titles at all.

The code then takes the link and checks if there are any alternative versions listed in the site’s static file list like easóg.dark.gif, easóg.static.gif or easóg.dark.static.gif. when writing a new post now I don’t have to do anything extra other than have those other versions with the right naming scheme in the same folder as the original image.

From there it it compiles it into HTML and replaces the original Markdown in the document:

  <source srcset="/bog/images/easóg.dark.gif" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark) and (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)" />
  <source srcset="/bog/images/easóg.gif" media="(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)" />
  <source srcset="/bog/images/easóg.dark.static.gif" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" />
  <img src="/bog/images/easóg.static.gif" alt="A white cat" title="Easóg" />

Well, actually it does something else too. You might have noticed in the regular expression up above I am actually checking for an optional, second exclamation mark at the start of the image tag. That’s my own extension of the syntax. If I’m doing my own parsing I might as well go wild with it. If there are two exclamation marks at the start of the tag it also wraps the image in a link to itself and adds an extra class:

<a href="/bog/images/easóg.static.gif" class="dynamic-image-link">
    <source srcset="/bog/images/easóg.dark.gif" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark) and (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)" />
    <source srcset="/bog/images/easóg.gif" media="(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)" />
    <source srcset="/bog/images/easóg.dark.static.gif" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" />
    <img src="/bog/images/easóg.static.gif" alt="A white cat" title="Easóg" />

The classes are to enable a little bit of Javascript2 to swap out the destinations of the links on the fly when swapping if the user’s media preferences change. Whichever one you currently see in the browser is the one you’ll go to if you click on it.

I might review the double bang syntax if I can figure out something that could be added to the tag that would get stripped out and ignored by a normal Markdown parser for better compatibility. If only Markdown had comments.

Is this a robust solution? Absolutely not! Will I eventually run into annoying weird cases that make me bang my head against the wall as a result of this? I already have! While writing this very bog post! Because the regular expression cannot tell that the markdown code example I have above is not meant to be parsed and turned it into HTML, making it impossible to show the before part of the before and after. Did this make me go back and implement this in a better way? No!

I added some metadata to this post telling it do disable my custom image parsing, made the parser skip doing anything if it finds that metadata on a page and then hardcoded the example at the top of this page. That’s right: This post isn’t actually using the one thing it’s meant to be demonstrating!

  1. I could have also tried parsing the resulting HTML instead of the Markdown like Luna did but that also seemed like it would take slightly more effort. 

  2. One of only three four a sadly increasing number of things Javascript is used for on the site. 


This post uses obscure Unicode codepoints and custom fonts which may not display in RSS readers and some browsers.

A few years ago I made a Gaelic-style monospaced pixel font that I called Cló Piocó-8. This was originally just testing out the custom font mode in Pico-8 for fun. I then ended up making a truetype font using Pixel Forge.

If custom fonts can display it looks like this.

This was mainly for fun and I haven’t used it terribly much.

Around the same time I made it I also made a similar pixel font for Ogham. I think the reason for making these separately was because the main font was monospaced but the Ogham one wasn’t? Or perhaps it just didn’t occur to me to include the Ogham section with the original font at the time. Either way I’ve decided I wasn’t happy with them being two separate fonts so I made a new version of Cló Piocó-8 that includes the Ogham block.

I also changed another character: R.

The original R character in the font was more straightforwardly based on an Insular R and looked like this: R.

You might be wondering what an Insular R is.

Insular? Why is this R so withdrawn?

Because in the middle ages Ireland was a pretty isolated place, and Irish monks were left to their devices, eventually developing a style of writing called Insular script.

A Latin manuscript written in the Insular script.
7th century manuscript featuring Insular script via Wikimedia Commons.

When printing came to Ireland, which took a while, most things were printed in English. Gaeilgeoirí didn’t have much to read (but most of them couldn’t, anyway). The first book printed with an Irish type was Aibidil Gaoidheilge agus Caiticiosma in 1571, using a font which had been commissioned by Elizabeth Tudor, though it was actually a bit of a hodgepodge of Gaelic, Roman and Italic, with the new Gaelic letters resembling the Anglo-Saxon type made by John Day.

Since then Irish has been printed in both Roman and Gaelic type, the former often simply due to practical considerations of the availability or expense of Gaelic fonts or because it was seen as more modern. It is rare to see Gaelic script used now except for in decorative text such as signs and plaques.

«Saoirse don Phalaistín» painted on the side of a small building.
“Freedom for Palestine” painted on a building in Irish Carraroe via Gaelchló.

But I quite like the Gaelic-style scripts and—as evidenced by my homepage—I quite like playing with typefaces. I use Mínċló from Gaelċló for most the Gaelic script on this site.

But I will admit there can be some drawbacks to readability. Particularly with f, s and r, or rather their Insular variants, which Unicode has unique codepoints for: ꝼ ꞅ and ꞃ, respectively.

ꝼ ꞅ ꞃ

Compared to a Roman f, the Insular ꝼ almost appears as if it has been hammered into the ground like a post. The tail of the character dips below the line and the stroke is level with it, the top of the character only reaching to the same height as a small letter like e. But it is still distinct and recognisable as an f.

The problem starts with s. You might be familiar with a long s, which is basically an old-fashioned way of writing an s where it looks like an f without the stroke in the middle. The Insular ꞅ similarly strongly resembles an Insular ꝼ and if one is more familiar with Roman type it is very easy to confuse them at a glance. Many modern Gaelic typefaces simply use a Roman-style s instead for clarity, or offer the use of both using stylistic sets. I opted to use a Roman-style s when making Cló Piocó-8 for clarity. When your characters are only four characters high you need to be careful about legibility and it’s very common to do this anyway with Gaelic typefaces for both s and r.

But I still, in that first version, decided to go with an Insular ꞃ, a character that resembles a cross between the Insular ꞅ and an n, or perhaps a Greek η with the tail on the other side. In an attempt to make it not look too much like an n I cut one pixel off the right-side, to try and maybe make it look a bit more like a Roman r, but really it just makes it look weird. I left it like that for a long time, but I was never fully satisfied with it.

Deciding to change it

When I was making my custom cartridge designs for my Pico-8 projects (something else I could write a bog post on, really) I decided to use Cló Piocó-8 to sign my name and the URL of this site on them. This made me have to face that bloody R again. I was never happy with the compromise I made originally and quite frankly people were not going read it as an r. I don’t want anyone typing “” into their browsers and finding nothing there.

My custom Pico-8 cartridge containing the Cló Piocó-8 font.
Check out my other Pico-8 stuff.

It was here that I came up with my new compromise: R. It is mostly an upper-case Roman R but with a little bit of a tail sticking down for a bit of Insular influence. I have actually started scribbling my r like this when handwriting in Irish as well.

Handwriting in a notebook of the standard insular f, s and r and my compromise r.

It took me a while to actually bring this change back to the font file itself but when making the 88×31 pixel badge for this site I was reusing elements from my Pico-8 cartridge design and it reminded me to go back and make the change, and I while doing it I also rolled the Ogham font into it as well, which I had also been intending to do for a while.

So check out Cló Piocó-8.

Appendix: Comparison of fonts

Crimson Text Mínchló Insular-style Mínchló Roman-style Cló Piocó-8 v1 Cló Piocó-8 v2
fsrn fsrn fsrn fsrn fsrn

Source for historical claims: The Irish Character in Print: 1571-1923, E.W. Lynam


I have created a new type of communication where I write articles and then “post” them to my log on the web. A “web log” if you will, or “bog” for short.

This site was originally just a gallery of things I made presented in a kind of formal, terse, way. I’m pivoting it to a personal site, though the gallery is still here.

This left me to figure out what I was going to marry the two functions for a redesign and also how to handle the transition with the existing RSS feeds. What I have settled on is having a feed for this bog, a separate feed for the gallery and having the existing feed combine both.

There is also the feed for the Irish-language version of the gallery which will remain in place. Maybe I might try bogging in Irish too to practise it more again, in which case that will probably also become a combined feed for the two. But first the codebase and CSS for this site needs a major cleanup.