Cohost was to me the last social media site that was still fun to use. A place that I could actually enjoy and felt I was sharing and building something good with people, even just by making nonsense jokes. It was a place where I felt safe and learned and explored new parts of myself. And also shared stupid Sonic the Hedgehog jokes and other stupid Sonic the Hedgehog jokes, or post intros to TV shows and stuff or more stupid Sonic the Hedgehog jokes.
In light the announced closure of Cohost I have been rethinking how I used the internet and in particular social media sites. I have debating whether or not to continue using other sites at all and it has made me want to have a space where I can be more expressive with the internet. I am still deciding exactly what I’m doing here but I want this page to be a memorial of Cohost.
So thank you, Eggbug.