Oak Reef Zone
Hello, my name is Caoimhe. I am an Irish trans woman who likes to make stuff.
When Cohost announced that it was shutting down I started rethinking how I use the internet and decided to rework this place into a personal website. I may set up a proper blog but for the moment I have a few pages. I also need to redo the CSS from scratch. It’s a mess.
Here is a gallery of things that I’ve made. This was the homepage of the site until recently and it has an RSS feed too and is also available as Gaeilge.
Find my pages
A page about Snolf the Golfball.
A page about Transy, “the first computer to look and act like a twelve-year-old schoolgirl”.
A memorial for Cohost, a website that was actually fun.
A page for friends and other sites that I think are cool.
Feel free to email me at caoimhe@oakreef.ie.
I am unsure if I am going to keep using any of these accounts but I can be found on the Fediverse/Mastodon @soilseacht@cathode.church, on Tumblr @coossification or on Blue Sky @soilseacht.bsky.social.