Sonach an Ghráinneog
Translations area really interesting and fun. I’ve linked before to Twitch translating pokémon names into Welsh and something I’ve played at before is translating Sonic the Hedgehog character names into Irish.
It doesn’t come with quite the same punning potential as pokémon but the way Sonic character names tend to be ordinary nouns makes it interesting to try to translate, especially trying to capture the relationships between certain names or figuring out what to do with the weirder ones.
If the notes column is blank that means the name is just a straightforward calque of the name from English.
English name | Irish name | Notes |
Sonic the Hedgehog | Sonaċ an Ġráinneog | |
Shadow the Hedgehog | Scáṫaċ an Ġráinneog | Shadowy. Also the name of the woman who trained Cú Ċulainn. |
Silver the Hedgehog | Soilseaċ an Ġráinneog | Bright. Chosen to keep the hedgehog alliteration and rhyming going and works as a contrast to Scáṫaċ.1 |
Miles “Tails” Prower | Myles “Eireabaill” na gCoileáinín | The miles per hour pun doesn’t work in Irish so I changed it to a reference to Myles na gCopaleen. Roughly Myles “Tails” of the Little Puppies. |
Knuckles the Echidna | Ailt an Eicidneaċ | |
Amy Rose | Émí Rós | A transliteration. Rós does means rose, though. |
Rouge the Bat | Deargaḋ an Ialtóg | Rouge, but also blushing or glowing. |
E-123 Omega | É-123 Óimige | |
Cream the Rabbit | Uaċtar an Coinín | |
Cheese the Chao | Cáis an Nord | Chao is obviously a word formed from removing the letter S from chaos. Anord is chaos (and ord is order) and I thought nord sounded better than anor and also that it would be fun than “an nord” would sound a lot like “anord”. |
Blaze the Cat | Lasraċ an Cat | Flames/Flaming the Cat. |
Big the Cat | Láidir an Cat | Strong the Cat. Chosen to keep the alliteration between Blaze and Big. |
Honey the Cat | Lim an Cat | Mil is honey so I am spelling it backwards to keep the cat alliteration going even if that wasn’t actually present in her original name. |
The Chaotix Detective Agency | An Ġníoṁaireaċt Ḃleaċtaireaċta Anordúileax | Anordúil means chaotic, ‑eaċ is a suffix which forms nouns with the sense of a person connected to the concept and I’ve subbed in an X like in the original name. |
Charmy Bee | Meallaċ Beaċ | Charming |
Vector the Crocodile | Veicteoir an Crogall | |
Espio the Chameleon | Spiair an Caimileon | Spiaire means spy and with the E cut off the end it’s pronounced like “spear” which is cool. |
The Babylon Rogues | Rógairí na Bablóine | |
Jet the Hawk | Scaird an Seaḃaċ | |
Wave the Swallow | Tonn an Ḟáinleog | |
Storm the Albatross | Stoirm an Albatras | |
Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik | Dr. Ivo “Uiḃeaċ” Robotnik | I thought it would work to leave his real name untranslated. Uḃ is egg and ‑eaċ is our favourite noun-forming suffix (or uiḃeaċ can just mean ovate). Fearuḃ or Uḃḟear would be more straightforwardly Eggman but I think that sounds bad. |
Metal Sonic | Sonaċ Miotail | |
Orbot | Glóbat | Globe + bot |
Cubot | Ciúbat | Cube + bot |
It occurs to me just now that Scáṫaċ, Soilseaċ and Sonaċ could also work as translations of the three beam upgrades you get in Metroid Prime 2, considering that the Annihilator Beam is meant to be a sonic weapon. ↩