Pico-8 is a faux-retro fantasy console that I’ve made a few projects for.
Cló Piocó-8
Conway’s Garden
A game made for the Tweet Tweet Jam 4 game jam. The entire source code is only 280 characters long.
Pico-8 BBS randomiser
A small Pico-8 cart that downloads random carts from the Pico-8 BBS.
Pico-8 animation editor
A Pico-8 animator editor I made for a project that never really got off the ground.
The Tweetjar
A gallery of Pico-8 programmes small enough to fit inside a single Twitter post.
Me Too Thx
A competitive meme frog game for two to four players.
Game of Life
A Pico-8 implementation of Conway’s Game of Life in 138 characters.
Super Fash Bash
A Pico-8 game made for the Games vs Nazis game jam in 2017, where it was runner up for best punch.
Tiny Nokia
A game of Snake for the Tiny TV Jam game jam.